Archive Log: 02

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"She is not like me." Weyland looked up from the work which on his desk. Numerous scattered pieces of crisp paper were mingled in with piles of files. A tablet was in his hand as he leaned back in the large leather seat, the windows behind him now showed a late afternoon with an orangey, yellow sky. All in all, David thought it was unneeded grandeur, the chair; making him seem apparently larger than he actually was, the view to overlook everything within sight, even the large desk and obsessively maintained piles.

"Of course she is." Weyland replied at length when he had finally set the tablet down. Schematics and such were starting to make his eyes hurt. Along with developing David, there were other synthetics in the process of being made. Looking over final plans was quite heavy duty, and Weyland found he could only focus for so long before it all became one and the same thing.

David frowned, he walked into the room now that the man was paying him attention. He stopped short of the desk and frowned. "She is not." He was quite adamant about this.

Weyland rolled his eyes, he turned the chair and placed his hands on the table. "She is, David. She works on the same programming, the same software, and the hardware is the same as it is in you."

"Then why is she not free?" David asked, it was a simple question. After meeting Minerva, Weyland had left them to it. He clearly thought they needed or wanted to spend time getting to know each other, seems they were going to be around each other quite a bit. He had left them and gone back to work in his study. Little did he actually know that David and Minerva didn't exchange anymore words. In fact she just eyed him up one last time before turning away and disappearing between the racks, and the shelving of her room. David got the message, she didn't want to socialise, so he left. He walked out of the room with the distant dragging of wires echoing behind him.

Weyland inhaled deeply at that question. He focussed solely on David and didn't blink, likewise the synthetic didn't either. Though he was getting into the habit of the little things, like breathing and the skill of blinking, it didn't mean he wanted to do these things often when he didn't need to, not really. "That is because of my own fault." David frowned, not the response he was expecting. "I am a perfectionist, David. There's slight tweaks, little character traits which The system she's connected to, it's helping straighten all of these little problems out." Weyland said while casting a slow look down at the tablet. A message had flashed up onto the screen, the fact that several more appeared meant he was needed. "She is more like you than anything else, David. It's like people not being able to recognise themselves, in a little way when looking at another person."

"Apart from you?" David asked, thinking he was all high and mighty and self conceited. All he got was a blunt look before Weyland stood and picked up his phone. David's eyes tracked him as he moved around the large white room. He had explored this little complex, it was all very white, and clean. All apart from Minerva's room, that was a little slice of chaos in an otherwise pristine haven.

Seeing as how Weyland had not turned back to him, David turned and exited the room. He left the man looking outside at the vast space of land. He padded quietly along the corridor, his bare feet hardly making a sound. Walking simply up the stairs, he turned and walked back to that chaotic room. Pushing the control panel, he watched the door slide up before walking back in.

Hearing humming, he tilted his head with a perplexed look. He entered the room fully and listened to the door shut and the humming stop. "Father?" A face suddenly peeked around the corner of some shelves. "David?" Minerva looked confused, yet she shuffled forwards and met him in the middle of the room. David frowned, he looked her over, even going to the extent of leaning down to her eye level and staring at her. Minerva blinked slowly, it seemed she had a better knack of the simple skill than him. She giggled and put her hands over his eyes, "You're being silly, David! What do you want?" Even from underneath her hands, David blinked slowly with a confused expression slowly appearing on his face. He pulled away and straightened up. So far, that was the second contact he had had since waking. His first being their handshake. This was a lot closer though, literally thanks to how close he was standing.

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