Archive Log: 57

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"Guess who?" David smiled, he was leaning over the table, writing new findings down, only to have hands suddenly over his eyes. Minerva's tone was teasing, joking. In all honesty, although she had her own space, she was spending more and more time down here and around him. She had even taken a small interest in his work, and what he was doing.

"Hm...I'm not sure, let me think..." David replied, his tone joking too as he tilted his head. He felt Minerva's laugh ripple through her chest as she leaned against his back. Over the last few days, things had slowly started to return to how they were. Them two together, close. Yes, she had her own rooms still, but she didn't spend all day up there like David believed she would.

Between them both they had managed to sort it out to her liking. The alcove got made into a bed, much like his own room. She had minimal furniture, a table, chairs, stools, even a trunk. David had suggested maybe her taking up clothes making again. He remembered the racks of clothes she had in her old room. She seemed to get enjoyment out of customising clothes. She had collected clothes from a scavenger hunt, which the white creature accompanied her on, and returned with more than she could carry and even rudimentary sewing equipment.

Minerva removed her hands and leaned over his shoulder with a laugh. She was one side, the creature was another. Where she went, it went too. David was content to see how inseparable they were. The creature, in fact, had been steadily growing each day that went. By now it was a bit too big to sit on her shoulders, so it usually just followed her around, its tail whipping about behind it. Spikes had started to grow along its shoulders and spine. Sharp, pointed things which were painful to the touch.

Minerva had gone to pick it up one day, only to recoil with a yelp. David was instantly beside her, turning her hands and arms over, the small creature landed expertly and looked up with an eyeless face. Its body language was low and on guard, it wasn't sure what had happened. The protrusions had pieced her skin, her silvery blood seeping from the small puncture holes. David had bandaged her up, even kissing her palms tentatively, his lips lingering over the gauze as his eyes looked up at her. He smiled and pulled away when he saw her blush a little and smile nervously.

But, the creature was seemingly ever changing, yet always nearby. Minerva ran her hands down his arms and leaned her chin against his shoulder. "Sweetheart, I'm've been constantly working here for the past day." Which was nothing new, David constantly seemed to work.

Smiling, he turned, she stepped back, only to have his hands on her waist and tug her forwards. His legs leaned on either sides of hers as his face peered up at her. Minerva sighed, frowning gently she ran her fingers through his hair. Smiling suddenly, she jumped back. Grasping onto his hands she tugged him up, David faltered forwards and got suddenly pulled away from his work. Since reawakening, the arrival of the white creature and everything else; David had allowed her to pull him away from work, whenever she seemingly saw fit. He made a promise to try and make up the lost years, by that it meant trying to reestablish what they had. It was taking time, but, old habits die hard. They couldn't avoid the inevitable, the fact they fell slowly back into old ways showed as much.

David just got pulled along, Minerva would look over her shoulder every so often with a smile. He didn't question where she was leading him, he just went with her. He had never had reasons to distrust her, no, that was always the other way around really wasn't it? Regardless, she got to where she wanted to and rather speedily swapped positions. David was pulled around and his back faced whatever was behind him, and Minerva smiled up at him before pushing him by the shoulders. David's eyes widened and he shuffled backwards, only to tense and peek out from behind his two-toned hair. He looked out and saw Minerva hiding her grin behind her hand, quiet laughter was trying to be kept bottled up, yet failed.

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