Archive Log: 38

338 20 7

The battering storm continued to hit against the ship throughout the night; despite the thickness of the walls, and the windows, it was still quite easy in a way to hear the howling wind. The noise was harrowing and depressing sounding, almost in anguish the noise lessened up eventually as the speed and strength died down. The debris, sand, and anything else which was being thrown down as rain made quiet chipping noises against the windows. Nothing too major hit against the ship, nothing was dented or broken. But if the journey here hadn't broken the ship in; discover how worthy it was for deep space exploration, then suddenly sitting out this storm would've.

Everyone, minus Millburn and Fifield, didn't spend any of the evening with each other. After the head incident, Elizabeth had ventured back to her room. Meredith had disappeared, probably back to her plush suite, and David had found Charlie and subsequently poisoned the man before going to Minerva. Everyone else didn't really flit into his mind actually. Not being able to sleep was something which David found himself a little jealous of. It seemed so easy, and comfortable actually, to just lay and waste several hours doing nothing. He was always in motion, always moving and always doing something. He didn't have moments of peace and quiet, times where he can sit and just be still and silent and at peace.

However, he laid curled up on the bed in Minerva's room. The holoscreen had been shut down, the only light which was in the room was coming from the small bulbs which run around the room as dim mood lighting. This was maybe the most peaceful David had ever been. She was curled up against him, both facing each other, one of his arms was keeping the pillow underneath her head propped as their foreheads rested together. Their legs were slightly entwined and bent as his other arm wrapped around her middle. Her hands rested against his t-shirt, there was no need to be formal in her presence, so he'd ditched his uniform shirt.

He could feel her smaller fingers clutching on, they couldn't sleep, they couldn't even enjoy rest due to not getting tired; but they could enjoy the quiet, and being together. There was a slight ability to power down, as in just shut down all outgoing abilities; breathing, blinking, movement, just laying and being a dead weight, yet their minds still very much active, along with their hearts, even if they had slowed down a little too.

It wasn't sleep, but it was good enough for them. It was relaxing to lay, still and listening to the storm passing by. Huddled together in this little room, it was honestly like they were the only two here. It was rather easy to forget about the rest of the crew, no offence to them. Neither of them had really spoken since their earlier conversation. They had watched the chosen media in silence and then when it finished, Minerva just laid down and tugged at him to lay too. David wasn't going to decline the opportunity to lay and be close to her, was he?

Suddenly hearing her inhale, David's eyes slowly opened. He looked at her worriedly, her system couldn't deal with being shut down, the sound which came from her was as if she was truly struggling to catch her breath. Supposed it would be a similar sound to someone suffering from an asthma attack. He didn't like the sound. He mentally noted to maybe advise her to avoid switching certain systems down, breathing being the main one.

Her eyes looked into his, she looked confused. David was still looking with concern. "What is it?"

He removed his arm from over her, placing his hand against her cheek, his fingers stroked hair over her ear. "The storms passed." He said, he'd bring up the breathing thing another time...he half feared if she stopped, she would struggle to start. Yes, sure, they didn't need to breathe. But if the system which allowed her to shut down, it would surely cause strain on the rest of her outgoing systems; it would cause problems for her internally, all was needed was for one thing to go wrong and then the rest of her system would go down too. And David couldn't have that.

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