Archive Log: 50

295 16 2

David sat, one leg crossed over the knee of the other as he readjusted the pen in his hand; resting in his lap was some paper, he was using a clipboard to keep all his papers in place for the time being as his pen momentarily paused. He looked upwards, he had always found interest in anatomy, it was sort of hard not to; what organ did what, what did it fuel and how did it work? Not only that, there was something also atheistically pleasing about the human form.

He had said he was going to draw some of the fruit and greenery which was growing within the garden space of the ship. David had always been curious over things which grew, it was perhaps stemming from the fact that that was something he didn't do. He was never small, he didn't grow up, he just came to be. He existed, just because someone made it possible. That thought alone was forever bittersweet.

However, digressing from his thoughts, he had told Minerva he was to record some of the things which were on the ship, the foliage being one thing. He hadn't done it as yet, why not now that he hadn't got Elizabeth to keep track of? It was somewhat freeing, no longer having to play carer. He forgot how restrictive the feeling of servitude was, he didn't like it. Never again. He wouldn't need to do it anymore, Minerva wouldn't expect him to do things, or even ask things of him; not things he didn't already wish to do, or take part in.

He just so happened to be drawing the growing plants and fruit in the garden room, just as she seemed in her own bubble using the continuous flow of water to shower. She didn't know he was there, he had silently found her; he had watched her from the shadows before moving in and sitting down as she turned her back to him. He didn't understand really why she was washing herself, they didn't sweat, there was no reason; maybe it was just a human trait Minerva never got rid of?

His drawings of fruit had slowly turned and he was soon drawing her instead. How could he not? Her body was pleasing to him, not that he was that shallow; he had grown to love her as a person, she was his soul mate, they mirrored each other and they accepted each other for who they were. But the way in which she moved, watching her synthetic muscles move underneath her skin as she ran her hands through her hair had David tilting his head, he sketched her, trying to get the movement in his drawing. He definitely got the detail, his eyes looked at the page and he listened to her pattering footsteps as she clearly turned around.

"David!" Minerva exclaimed, he merely looked up with an innocent smile. Minerva pushed water from her face and padded over to him. He lifted up his hand, the blanket which she was going to use as a towel was beside him. She took it and wrapped herself up in it before kneeling in front of him. David hadn't moved from his sitting position, putting the last details in his drawing before looking at her. Minerva tilted her head, "Can I see?"

"It isn't finished." David said, Minerva smiled at him, David sighed. She wasn't budging, turning his paper around he showed her. She looked over it, David had just got a smile from Elizabeth from the drawing he did of her. But of course, this was so much more intimate. And the thing with David's drawings was that they were so detailed. It was like a photograph. Minerva wasn't sure how she was meant to feel over David sneaking in and drawing her while she was showering. But it wasn't like he hadn't seen her naked before, was it?

"I can't draw," Minerva said after looking and then up at him, David smiled fondly. He kept his clipboard and drawings to his chest as he just smiled at her still. He was rather pleased in some respect that she wasn't completely weirded out by him doing this. The human body and how it moved interested him, it just did. Sure, she wasn't human, nor was he, but they were made to look like their creators, vanity at its greatest.

"I am certain that is untrue." David said, he stood and held a hand out to her. Minerva put her hand in his and he helped her to stand. Looking around, he reached down and picked up her abandoned clothes and tucked them under his arm.

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