Archive Log: 42

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Still in her head, Minerva could hear the thudding, heavy footsteps of the Engineer as he went walking to one side, the sounds of machinery coming to life echoed through the space as she laid, broken and bleeding to one side. She looked slowly to the side, the deceased body of Kate Ford laid beside her. The doctors brown eyes stared lifelessly at her, pupils dilated, body unmoving, Minerva turned and awkwardly blinked.

She didn't know where everyone else was. Everything seemed to have happened so fast. One minute she's beside Elizabeth, the next the Engineer has been woken up; confused, pale skin which glowed in the low light but with dark eyes that stared blankly at them. Her father had instructed David to talk to it, and talk to it he did; only none of them could've foreseen the action of the Engineer encasing David's head in his hand and bracing his other against his neck, and pulling.

Minerva remembered screaming something, she had dashed forwards just as her father was battered away and having her arm outstretched in...she supposed at the time, in hope of stopping something, it was grasped onto at the wrist. Her head snapped forwards, her eyes widened as she stared at the Engineer and it stared right back before placing a foot to her stomach, and kicking backwards. Minerva's arm became detached from her as she shuttled backwards, the momentum made her roll backwards off of the platform. She landed next to Ford's dead body and stayed laying there processing everything.

Everyone was dead. That thing had activated its ship, and thanks to earlier explorations, it was clear it was heading to Earth. David was right, to create sometimes one must destroy. Clearly the small number of representatives of the human race which had confronted the Engineer were embarrassing, a disappointment even? It didn't take long to figure out why he had intended to go to Earth, why that black stuff existed and who the intended target was. Minerva sniffed, she looked around, a few of the other bodies around her were those which were meant to be hired guns. They did a good job, didn't they? Her eyes widened, the space around her was not what it seemed to be, and the ship which was hidden underneath rock, was now flying.

She managed to lift her head, her chin leaning against her chest as she looked towards the strange structure which the Engineer sat in. But despite of how smooth the sailing was, it came to an abrupt end when the ship shuttled drastically to the side. Something had crashed into it and without total control, it fell downwards through the sky before the earthshaking crash of landing happened. Minerva lost control, what control she had, like everything else which wasn't strapped down, the Engineer being the lone one that was, she sailed through the air, it was like there was no gravity as her body became weightless and she just let herself go. While flying and falling through the air, she passed and crashed into other things, other things being the dead bodies of the crew before she landed heavily on the ground.

The thundering footsteps echoed out again, Minerva lifted her head again and saw the back of the Engineer walking out the room. Looking upwards at the dark ceiling, she inhaled and exhaled softly. Giving it a few moments, she sat up and looked around. Pushing herself to kneel with her one hand, she stood up and looked around herself. It was chaos, carnage even. She seemed to be the lone person standing, yet her eyes landed on the platform.

Jumping up onto it, she padded quietly over. "Hello?" David sounded confused, being just a head and part of a spine, he couldn't exactly turn and look around.

Minerva knelt, reaching out she turned him over. David blinked and looked over her. She smiled painfully, David went to open his mouth, only to shut it as she took to dabbing at the blood which was trailing from the corner of his lips. Minerva looked to the side, standing again, she walked over and knelt. Turning her father's body over, she felt her eyes watering as her mouth turned downwards. She knew he was dead, yet she placed her fingers to his neck. There was no pulse, nothing. Leaning down she placed her head against his chest and cried quietly.

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