Archive Log: 68

407 20 3

David hadn't watched this film in how many years? But yet, he still found himself tilting his head and noticing new details that he hadn't seen before. Maybe the minor details were only being picked up on now because he had grown? Not literally, David was incapable of that, but mentally growing he never ended. He still enjoyed the film, and he still remembered the first time the pair had watched it. Minerva must've thought he was enjoying it because she'd smile up at him every so often. David was aware he had a distant yet content look on his face. This was so normal. Shame it was while pretending to be his brother.

"Walter, please report to the bridge."

He looked upwards, the ever present presence of Mother spoke out emotionlessly. He sighed, really, he'd rather not. The two had found a spare crew room, it may have once been used by a member who'd died, David didn't know, he didn't care; but the two settled in on the bed and watched the holoscreen in peaceful silence. "Yes, Mother." He replied, stoically. This film wasn't even halfway through. Blinking and looking to Minerva, he frowned when she paused it. "What are you doing?"

"You're meant to be looking after me, remember?" Minerva stated blandly, turning and jumping off the bed. "I don't really like following you like a lost puppy either, but it was a condition which was set in place, wasn't it? For the crew's welfare, or something like that." Minerva frowned, clearly disliking the fact that she was seen as a dangerous enemy.

David sighed and stood up, he straightened out his hoodie and nodded begrudgingly. Don't get him wrong, she could be dangerous. But at the moment all he got from her was sadness, lingering despair even. There was no malice, no hate. Not even towards him, which David had frowned over really. She seemed very accepting of being around who she thought was Walter, knowing full well that he supposedly killed him. But it wasn't so much that, was it? Even David could see when someone was imprinting.

"Right this way then." Walter's American accent was starting to grate on David. He missed using his own voice. His voice had more character to it, was able to convey feelings and get points across. The dull tone he was using as Walter was just a monotone. David padded his way to the door and opened it simply, no offence to his brother but he in general seemed very monotone.

"Is it checks? Or whatever it was you were meant to do?" Minerva pottered beside him, her bare feet pattering away as she looked upwards at him.

He frowned, Walter did a lot of frowning from what David had observed so he continued that trait on. Even that was starting to get to David. He missed being himself. Not that playing pretend wasn't fun. There was an ounce of fun duping everyone, well, who remained at least; other than Minerva, she was the lone person David disliked lying to. He knew full well that when she discovered he was lying, she'd probably flip. Turning a corner, he stuck his hands in his pockets. "Mother does like to constantly remind everyone of things needing to be done. Watching that film with you wouldn't have set my schedule back at all."

"So you don't know why she's asking for you?" Minerva looked confusedly around the corridor, the lights seemed dimmer down here. In fact, the bridge in general seemed darker. She hadn't really been given the tour here, maybe because Walter had explicitly got told to keep her away. As if Minerva had any interest in hacking the system and joyriding this ship around the galaxy.

She watched as Walter sat down and turned the chair to face a small cluster of screens. His fingers typed away on the keyboard speedily. Having one hand didn't seem to tamper his ability with the smallest tasks. She was amazed really. Of course synthetics could continue on as if nothing had happened if a part of them went, but even still; Walter's survival skills were truly something. When her arm first got detached from her, she was lost, and slightly emotional over it all. Of course the timing was awful considering she had lost her only two family members. Minerva looked around and pulled a chair over to sit beside him. "I don't understand." She said quietly, the system was flagging up something which shouldn't be here.

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