Archive Log: 64

214 16 3

Minerva sighed for the millionth time. "This is boring."

"Yes, I know." David responded from beside her. They had long since grown bored of throwing stones. He sat on his haunches looking down at the comatose body of Oram, whereas Minerva sat leaning against the wall, her legs outstretched in front of her.

Minerva sighed dramatically, earning a glare from over David's shoulder. She smiled and moved. He just watched as she crawled over and swung her legs over the stairs and sat beside him. "Do you remember when we were left at home alone?"

"Yes, why?" David frowned, not understanding what she was on about. Or why she was even bringing it up for.

Minerva just smiled up at him and nudged her shoulder against his. "Can I tell you a story?" David's confused expression disappeared, what replaced it was wide eyes and a smile. He looked eagerly at her and nodded his head, he liked listening to her voice when she was telling a story. She always seemed to get lost in the moment, David knew she loved the stories she recited to him. And he in turn had grown to love them, grown to love listening to her. "Once upon a time, there lived a man; confused and conflicted over what life was throwing his way, what was before him-"

"Thank you for the metaphor, I don't need to hear my story." David pouted, hoping for a legitimate story, not this.

Minerva smiled, "But it has a happy ending!"

David scrunched his nose up, "Do you live with rose tinted glasses on?" He asked, sounding a bit harsher than he intended. He saw Minerva flinch, she looked away, feeling uncomfortable. "What was the happy ending?" He asked with a sigh, deciding to just ask her. If it got her talking to him again, he'd ask.

Minerva shrugged, "Doesn't matter."

"It does to you. So it does to me."

"It doesn't matter to you, you're humouring me." Minerva said while standing up and brushing her suit down.

David looked up at her with a light frown. "Where are you going?" He asked watching as she shrugged and jumped down to the wet, dark ground below. David just watched as she walked over to Oram, she knelt and just commenced poking him. He raised an eyebrow, bit childish, but she seemed amused.

She moved and tilted her head, leaning closer she took to inspecting the thing which was clinging to the man's face. Reaching out, she ran a finger over the tail, it was still tightly wrapped around his neck. The leathery feel was odd, she felt all the ridges and bumps of its skin. It felt cold. Deathly cold, her eyes looked it over and sat back with a tilted head. This thing was dying, there was an ounce of warmth left in it. With what little life was left, Minerva sat and watched as the thing seemed to coil its fingers in itself. One by one the grip seemed to loosen. The tail retracted and Minerva just watched this thing literally flop off of Oram's face.

Lifting up a hand, Minerva poked it. The creature was dead. No movement, nothing. She raised an eyebrow and looked up at David, he tilted his head curiously yet seemed to pick up pebbles again. He didn't seem curious as this thing suddenly died, he seemed more interested in throwing pebbles at Oram again. Minerva stood up, she sighed and nudged the man with her foot. He just rocked from the motion, yet nothing. She leaned against her knees and frowned, she could see small plumes of steam coming from Oram.

He wasn't dead. Unconscious, or sleeping maybe, but he wasn't dead. All in all, watching the man was growing tiresome, and boring. Her eyes looked back to David, she frowned lightly when he commenced throwing pebbles again. Minerva caught one when it went a bit off kilter and almost hit her. David just smiled, he didn't look apologetic, so Minerva wasn't sure whether he meant to do it or not. Considering this was David, Minerva was half tempted to say it was done on purpose. Wasn't like he hadn't already done enough to her in her synthetic life to warrant questionable motives.

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