Archive Log: 66

237 17 1

David lingered near the doorway curiously watching as Daniels ran across the deck of the lander. She was heading towards a crane, the tether line of which she soon strapped about herself for a safety line. She readjusted the grip she had on the gun and took to trying to hunt out the creature. A few times David did look away and glance at the pilot. He seemed able enough, easily managing to change the landers trajectory to try and rattle this thing out of hiding to make itself visible. If only for it to appear and be met with gunfire. Together, himself and Daniels managed to coordinate quite well; Tennessee would change the thrusters, the flames would lick across the oily coloured skin and erupted more before it leaped and got shot at. This thing couldn't find a way in, nor could it find a safe spot to hide and recover.

David frowned, he felt bad. It pained him to see his creation get double teamed like this. If he had it his way, and didn't want to use the crew present to get off the planet, he'd have easily helped the creature to kill them all. Yes, David probably could fly the lander. But really, why bother doing something himself when someone else could do it for him? If this thing failed to at least kill Daniels, David was rather assured another would succeed. Inwardly he smiled and watched as Daniels lost her footing and went skidding over the side. The tether line kept her attached to the lander, but its length meant she went sailing right underneath the lander.

Once under there it was clear she came face to face with the thing she was hunting, because gunfire could be heard rapidly going off. From the fact that the cameras caught sight of it scampering off easily, she clearly failed to kill it. David had created something that was resilient, persistent and not willing to give up without a fight. He was proud of it, if not a little more proud of himself for making such a thing. But it wasn't like he could stand here and brag about his work, could he? Not without giving it away that it was him, and their dear Walter was dead down below.

Hearing what sounded like nails clipping on a surface, David looked up and out the front. He raised an eyebrow, even Tennessee let out an exclaim. It was clear the pilot hadn't expected to come literally face to face with the eyeless, snarling face of this thing. Its lips withdrew, saliva dripping slowly out and whipping to the side with the wind. Its tail could be seen behind it twisting and turning to keep it balanced as its clawed hands gripped on tightly. With a slight tilt of its head, it commenced repeatedly hitting its head against the glass. This would pain anything, anyone, but it just kept going as if it didn't bother it at all. The glass all over the lander was reinforced to take damage and to survive. But even the force of this things head going for it, was putting a strain on the clear material.

"Throw the axe!" David cast his eyes to the axe near the door, reaching out and grabbing it he pulled it free and threw it out the door. Daniels scrambled and clutched onto it in moments.

There was a relieved sigh from Tennessee as the alarm from outside on the crane got this thing stopping from getting in. The glass was damaged, cracked and dented but not broken. If it broke, Tennessee knew he wouldn't still be here. Both figures outside were making a beeline for the crane, Daniels to control the machine, and the creature to stop her and get to her. Regardless of suddenly being encased in metallic clutches, it was still snarling, growling and trying to get to the human.

The added weight made the lander struggle anyway, but now with the arm of the machine turning and moving; it made the vehicle tilt and lean heavily to one side. Tennessee was having a hard time trying to keep them from crashing. Yet he succeeded, just as Daniels succeeded in crushing the creature within the claws of the machine. She had to try and shield herself from the blood which hissed and sizzled from the body, but eventually she managed to get herself and the crane back to the deck and normalised again.

Steadying the lander, Tennessee was ignorant to David ripping the medi-patch off of Lope's face, or Daniels just standing on the deck facing out at the grey, drab landscape before them. She for one could not wait to leave, and really everyone else was feeling the same way. She looked up startled though when a hand appeared on her shoulder, David remained neutral faced as he turned and directed her back to the inside. They needed to leave this planet, they needed to get back to their ship which David was more than excited about seeing.

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