Archive Log: 59

237 16 6

Returning to a nomadic life, Minerva had found herself finding peace within nature again. Life didn't return to the planet, parts were destroyed completely, but the lushness of the greenery around her caused her to feel comforted. There was something very comforting about being around such things, these trees were older than her by a long shot; she couldn't help but wonder what they had seen and spied when the Engineers lived here.

They must've overlooked the beginning of their race, the highs and lows of it all right around until the end. Minerva patted a tree sadly, nature always seemed to be the silent sentinel to such things. She wistfully sighed, she couldn't help it, through it all, by that she meant anything and everything; it wasn't exactly the ones left standing which truly observed all, it was the things left behind. Like the trees, the nature, they could not talk, but Minerva had always believed that such things had their own spirit, their own ways. It may have sounded like some sort of fantasy, but that is what she believed in. The more time she spent out here, the more she realised that the plants seemed to react to the weather, like those back on Earth.

There were some which opened and greedily tried to soak in as much sun as possible, the sun shone rarely really. The grey sky above was a constant, and really, it was a drag. Minerva was someone who quite easily bounced off of her surroundings, she reacted to people's moods in one way or another, or to an atmosphere. The bleak sky, and still air, did nothing but make her pout and feel down. She visited David regularly, he was happily expanding on his research and work and would ask her about her travels.

Last time she saw him, she had trekked her way slowly and steadily to the other side of the planet. Or at least, that's what she believed she did. It was hard to tell, she was tempted to make a map. David had laughed, good humoured and not sarcastically over her suggestion. He had said something along the lines of it resembling a possible treasure map. Minerva had stated with a sigh that there was no hidden treasure here. Or was there? No, Minerva was very much sure of that.

Peeling away from the tree she was standing near, she jumped up onto a log and practically skipped along it, however, she paused suddenly. Tilting her head, her blue eyes looked widely around as she caught something in the air. It was something she hadn't heard for so long. Voices. Crouching down, Minerva crawled her way through the foliage before her. She wasn't hallucinating, she didn't know how many years they'd been here, or rather how long she'd been outside, but she definitely wasn't cracking up.

Minerva was silent in her approach, admittedly her hair had long since become a bit matted and way too long to deal with, within the blonde strands were leaves, possibly twigs, moss, in some parts it was even tinted green; it didn't feel particularly nice, but it acted as a natural camouflaged curtain. Her clothes weren't in much better condition, she had ditched her suit, she didn't wear it solidly like David did; instead she had opted for a long sleeved dark brown top, she had made it herself, it stopped quite long and the sleeves had holes where her thumbs were. The trousers she wore she made herself too, she forewent shoes, her boots were left abandoned in her room.

She was as disguised as possible as she hopped down from the log and stayed low as she walked forwards. She reached out and pushed leaves away as she peered outwards at the world beyond. She knelt down, ignoring the fact she was basically in a puddle, she looked at the mud below her and shrugged. Added to the camouflage, right? Regardless, she remained silent and still, watching and observing all that was before her. She wasn't cracking up, those was definitely voices. She tilted her head, they seemed to be discussing something, Minerva's eyes narrowed, something about a new home? She frowned, were they thinking of living here? She winced, poor things, there was nothing here. They would soon come to realise this, but she flicked her eyes to the side when she finally saw movement.

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