Archive Log: 23

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"Sleep mode, is technically standby, it's no different to putting other technology on the same setting." Minerva said to herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. "The first synthetic to sleep, that's...really something. Some tech nerds would be flipping to find out the results..." She quirked to her reflection, she was trying to lighten the moment up, but really, she was failing. Her blonde hair had been braided up, it hung down her back as her hands leaned against the sink. "I wonder if I can get David to program dreams into my head." That was a thought she hadn't even spent any time musing over. Maybe she could? Minerva tilted her head, her and others like herself were supposedly unable to sleep; yet here she was about to defy that. What was to say she could further shoot down myths, what if she was able to dream?

When she thought, really thought, her mind was all networking, strings of programming grouping together to formulate answers, some form of free thinking within reason, and general information about herself and others around her. She pushed away from the sink and padded out and into the bedroom. She was on the Prometheus. The bedroom layout before her was simple and white, cream as well as not to be totally blinding with the high powered lighting which was currently on.

There was a large bed, a platform for a holoscreen at the end; a chest of drawers for luggage, it was all rather simple. But then, this was only going to be used to sleep in. Supposedly most time would be spent exploring and finding answers. The recreational room would be used, socialising with the rest of the crew. She's not so antisocial enough to squirrel herself away in her room. She did enough of that back home. Looking at the bed she turned and sat down slowly, it was comfortable. She couldn't help but pout a little. Seemed a shame that she wouldn't need to use it. She envied people in that respect. Looking to the door when there was a knock, she stood and walked over. Pressing the button on the wall she watched the door slide open with a quiet swish.

David looked at her, a small bundle in his hands as he looked in and then down at her. "You'll be needing these." He said while holding his arms out, Minerva reached up and took the items from him. Turning she took to opening the clothing up, she couldn't help but sceptically look over her shoulder at him. David just raised an eyebrow, keeping his arms crossed behind his back. "Everyone is wearing something similar." David explained, as if that was a suitable reason as to why she stood looking with a frown at the simple cotton underwear and top in her clutches. "It will allow me to keep better track of your vitals."

" vitals will be fine." Minerva sighed and sat heavily on the bed. Dumping the set beside her. David rolled his eyes and slowly walked into the room. Without him there, the door shut quietly behind him.

Kneeling down, he placed his hands gently on her knees. Minerva looked at him with wide eyes. David smiled, reaching up he cupped her cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. "We do not know how the hypersleep chamber will react to having a synthetic within it." David said it so frankly that she couldn't help but double take a little before frowning.

Minerva pushed his hand gently away from her face and sat holding it. She turned it over and inspected his fingerprints, the same ones as hers. "I want to stay with you."

David shook his head, "You know your father intended to have you sleep with the others. I do believe that is his way of making us stay out of trouble."

"Us and trouble? What's the worst we could do?"

David smirked, "Hijack the ship?"

Minerva laughed and hid her grin behind her hands. David smiled widely, glad to see he had cheered her up a bit. He could sense her unhappy mood. David was equally unhappy really, he didn't want her to go to sleep either. " you think I will react badly?"

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