Archive Log: 47

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It was curious to Elizabeth, interesting to watch even, like children finding out about the world in which the inhabit; what actions could be got away with, what would be considered right and wrong; this one should've already be ingrained, but it was mostly, above all else, rather interesting to Elizabeth to find and see, watch and learn what both synthetics found amusing in their own time. On the Prometheus, David was the synthetic help; everyone made no qualms about this, to the point where the blonde would look stoic whenever something was asked of him. Minerva was on the fringes, she didn't specifically have a job to do, and in fact, Elizabeth did solely believe she was only there because her father asked it of her. Meredith had a point, a purpose, as horrid as it was...Minerva didn't.

But now, away from the confines of having to pretend, Minerva especially seemed a lot more laid back like she had released a breath she'd been holding. Which, in fact, seemed ridiculous when Elizabeth thought about it, after all, she didn't really need to breathe. But, both synthetics seemed completely different to how they were. It was a transformation which had taken a little while to take hold. But the effects were interesting to watch. Minerva seemed freer, whereas David still seemed as thoughtful as ever, yet relaxed without pretence too. Both had found tasks to occupy their time.

And it was these tasks which Elizabeth found curious. She had sat one day, writing in her journal, just documenting their journey; so far they had travelled through several new star systems, witnessed space in all its glory, but still steadfast and going to their destination. She had paused writing when she heard a voice. No, she wasn't hallucinating, her supplies were slowly running thin, but with thanks to David, she had managed to ration them precisely. So far she hadn't needed to eat the fruit which grew in the hydroponic garden.

Placing her journal to one side, Elizabeth had stood slowly. Sweeping her long cardigan out the way, she moved away from her bed, such as it was. Peering out into the dim corridor she looked both ways before turning and walking, following the voice as it got louder. The sweeping lift and fall soon signalled to Elizabeth that the voice was singing, and that it was female. Minerva. Unless David could do impersonations and fancied singing like a woman, Elizabeth shuddered, that was slightly terrifying in a humorous way, but looking into the map room, Elizabeth found Minerva sitting in the large chair.

She threw and caught a ball, sometimes not even looking at it as it quietly slapped against her palm. Elizabeth didn't know where she got it from, David probably made it for her. But she sat there, leaning in the large chair that dwarfed her, her legs propped up on the keyboard controls, her voice quietly still singing on. "When you're weary, feeling small. When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all. I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough. And friends just can't be found. Like a bridge over troubled water. I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water. I will lay be down..."

Elizabeth watched her catch the ball, she winced a little. Her choice in song was...saddening, to say the least. Yet her voice was so soft, light, it didn't make Elizabeth feel sad. Picking up walking, she moved through the holographic map, kneeling down she saw Minerva's eyes flick sidelong, she caught the ball and smiled. She hadn't continued singing which signalled to Elizabeth, she had figured she was here. This was one of the things which she had referenced in her journal. Minerva seemed to have a liking to sing. She'd either just whisper sing to herself while they were all together, or either David or Elizabeth would hear her somewhere in the distance. Minerva had a habit of disappearing for a small while too. Elizabeth didn't know why, maybe just some solitude was needed? She didn't blame her. The same room, and same conversations could be too much. For something that was working on a higher processor than her human brain, it didn't take much for Elizabeth to figure out that both synthetics could suffer from boredom, really, really badly.

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