Archive Log: 37

386 22 2

Gesturing a hand to Minerva, David allowed her to enter the room first; it was a small room, one used, or at least designed to act as another examination room. There were some items of equipment in here, although David completely blanked them as he walked past where Minerva had stopped, and went to retrieve the bag he had hidden. He easily hauled it up and put it on the table in the middle of the room. Minerva walked around the table and leaned her hands against the smooth surface. A small frown was on her face as she watched David unzip the bag and carefully pull the canister out. Seeing as how he was freely touching it, Minerva reached out and placed her palm against it.

David looked over it and at her, he had sprayed it for containment and travelling, the inside would be preserved however and nothing would be damaged. If everything within the room which this came from was deteriorating, then as soon as this left that space, it was likely to have the same fate. Minerva ran her hand down the cool, grey surface and shook her head. It didn't feel like any metal she knew of, sure, it looked like it should be something quite common on Earth, yet it wasn't. Looking to the side, Minerva jumped to sit on the stool which was beside her.

David ran his finger across the small seam which was present. Tilting his head, he placed his hand on top and twisted. There was a quiet clinking sound as the lid was released. Feeling something attached to it, weighing it down, David looked to Minerva. She in turn leaned up in her seat and placed her forearms against the table to have a better look. Lifting up his arm, David looked curiously at the attached items. Even Minerva looked surprised, she leaned in further to inspect the green coloured cylindrical glasses housed within a metallic holder. The holder was expertly designed to pull the glasses back in to slide downwards into the urn.

Reaching out, David grasped onto a glass and simply pulled. Hearing the sound of wheels, he looked up to see Minerva pottering around to be by his side. Tilting the glass to the side, both of their heads turned with the motion too. There was something inside, something fluid. A darkened liquid was within the vibrant green shard that a few droplets straggled with the motion of movements and just strained and dropped to join the rest of the black mass.

"So, this is the thing which was alive within?" Minerva asked quietly, as if speaking any louder would ruin the moment. David sat frowning softly, he still turned the glass from one side to the other. "What do you think it is?"

Raising his eyebrows, David simply shrugged. "One way to find out-"

"What if it's dangerous?" Minerva grabbed onto his wrist. There was a slimmer shard in the top of the main one, clearly this was a stopper of some sort.

David looked at her, "We won't know, if we don't open it." He said obviously, yet he didn't shake her hand off. Her constant worry for him was endearing, but pointless in a moment like this. He was going to be fine.

"But, what if it's like...I don't know, acidic? That'll eat through anything. We've got to travel back into space, a hole would be catastrophic."

"To the humans."

Minerva rolled her eyes, "David...David!" She despaired only to exclaim as he simply popped the lid off.

"Oh dear..." He sounded sarcastic as he smirked sidelong at her. Minerva shook her head, yet she watched as he up ended it and placed his finger against the opening. Pulling his finger away, a simple small droplet of black sat on his fingertip. He lifted his hand up as they both leaned in more.

"How is this thing alive?" Minerva asked quietly, she looked at David. He seemed to be really clued in, despite them both never seeing this thing before in their lives.

David looked away from his fingertip, "Mycobacteria?" He mused, Minerva leaned her head against his shoulder and wrapped one arm around him. She was basically just leaning fully against him, not that he remotely leaned to the side with the pressure she was exerting against him.

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