Archive Log: 22

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When it actually came to finalising plans, it seemed the only two people who were near on impossible to pin down were the two people who really were the soul reason this was really happening; Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway were missing in action. It seemed actually that the pair of scientists were off out in the field trying to get more research, more information before everyone finally left Earth. The part which wasn't disclosed to anyone, was that they weren't even remotely close; no, they were however enjoying the windy, cold and wet weather of Scotland.

So, of course, with them nowhere near, the meeting which was currently happening fell a little flat. It was customary to have a pre-flight meeting, finalising plans, what was to happen, what is likely to be encountered, emergency plans; etcetera. It just meant, when it came to it, the two missing scientists would have be filled in another time.

"Isn't this a bit much?" Sean Fifield asked, the rather angry redhead sat basically seething in a chair around the table. "We're going to another planet, we may or may not find answers, research and recon then return. Ain't exactly a hard plan to remember, is it?" He was leaned back in his chair, muddy boots stretched out across the chair beside his. He had subsequently stopped anyone else sitting near him thanks to this, everyone sort of got the hint: not exactly a people person. Didn't stop Rafe Millburn from sitting in the seat next to the one where Fifield's feet had come to situate.

"That's all so very trite, honestly." Meredith had started to say, watching as the geologist's eyes flicked quickly over to where she sat at the head of the table. She had made a point of sitting right at the top of the large, long thick oak table. Nearly every other office room had in it a table capable of projecting a holoscreen, this was about one of the only ones which still had a solid table, no tricks. Also, she had wished to quickly point out that she was 'Mission Director'. It was something which had caused David to frown and look questionably at Minerva. She for one had definitely had more to do with this whole thing than Meredith. But regardless, neither said anything. Perhaps by giving her such an important title it would shut her up? To be honest, David didn't know the reason behind making Meredith the director of this, but he already foresaw it would be a total waste of time; much like Fifield, not a people person.

"Trite?" Fifield had scoffed.

"Yes, trite, it means-"

"I know what it bloody means." Fifield said with a frown. He wasn't an idiot. "How is anything I said trite? Enlighten us, please." He sounded rather sarcastic throughout everything he said there.

Meredith rolled her eyes, looking rather bored by the prospect of clearly trying to explain something which to her was obvious. "Okay," she started with a sigh. Placing her hands palms down on the table, she pushed her chair back. The wheels made minimal sound as she moved. Standing, she crossed her arms behind her back and walked around to stand near him. She placed her foot against the chair, and pushed it, Fifield's feet collided with the floor with a heavy thud. "Say, perchance we ran into trouble, while there. Or while getting there, if some of us were in danger, or the ship was damaged; how exactly do you think you'd cope, or what would you do? Keeping in mind, this is apparently just a research, recon and return mission, apparently." Meredith leaned her hand against the table and had very little trouble looking down her nose at the redhead. "The whole point of this meeting is to finalise plans, to avoid these situations. Do you understand? Good." Meredith said while watching Fifield nod. She turned and walked back to her seat, she sat down silently, in the otherwise silent room and looked around. "Any questions?"

"Surely we'd be in contact with the nearest space station?" Janek asked, arms still crossed over his hooded jumper as one of his legs was crossed over the other.

"We would lose contact with the station within seventy-four hours of leaving orbit, and proximity with Earth." David explained, Meredith had looked bluntly at him to answer this question. He knew the basic schedule of this mission, he was probably the best person to answer this question. Considering he was leaning against the wall behind Minerva, who had found herself near Chance, all Janek had to do was turn his chair and look up at the blonde synthetic. "We're going to deep space, Captain. No one will be able to get in contact with us, or rather; they would, perhaps, even our messages may get through, but it would take years."

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