Archive Log: 51

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The only problem was, with the Engineer's world now in turmoil, ripping itself apart from within, there was nothing actually keeping them docked successfully. As such, they soon found themselves careering off path, quite dramatically at that. Minerva managed to scramble and shut the cargo doors, while David ran off to manually fly and land somewhere safely.

From the fact that she temporarily found herself sliding and the floor disappearing, Minerva could safely say that he wasn't doing a too good of a job. Not that she thought she could do any better. But trying to get out of this room while feeling nearly every judder, shudder, and jolt was hard. Yelping and scrambling, she clung onto the wall, thankful for once that the organic structures which entwined on it were there. She was still clinging on when the crash happened. It was sudden. Without windows, she had no idea what was going on outside. She couldn't even make it to the observational deck to see. So when the thundering crash happened, her grip loosened and she went sailing along the corridor. She couldn't help but scream, she was airborne for a few moments, before impacting off of a wall and landing in a heap on the floor.

She laid there, curled up slightly and breathing deeply with her eyes squeezed shut. That wasn't fun. She didn't like that at all. Hearing quiet footsteps, she slowly looked up to see David drawing near. He knelt and brushed hair from her face before helping her up. "Are you hurt?" He asked, his expression and tone worried as he looked her over. Even from where he was, he had heard her echoing screams. He feared something terrible was happening, that she had hurt herself in an effort to get to him. Before leaving her, he probably should've just told her to wait for him. It wasn't like he was going to leave without her, was it?

", I'm okay. Are you?" She asked pushing herself to kneel and to look David over too.

He smiled, "I'm fine." His eyes looked up, even as they sat here they could hear shrapnel and debris hit back down against the ships exterior. "I believe I may need to work on my piloting skills. They weren't as up to scratch as I first believed." David joked, earning a laugh from Minerva as she patted her knees and jumped to a stand. Having her hands extended downwards, he placed his in hers and got pulled to stand too. "Shall we?" He gestured to the cargo bay again. It was the nearest place to get out.

"Are you sure that we won't get harmed in the process?" Minerva asked as they walked steadily back that way. The crash had rocked up the interior just as much. Things had fallen, pieces of wall broken and barring the way, wires had loosened and really, it was a good job they were leaving; this thing was clearly not going to fly again.

David placed an arm around her shoulders, smiling surely he nodded. "That stuff cannot harm us. You're worried, I can see you are, but you saw what happened out there. There shouldn't be anything left to hurt you, and if there is, then I'm here to protect you, remember?" David rubbed his hand gently up and down her arm, just to reassure her that she was going to be okay. He could understand her nerves. He too found himself nervous, seeing the sights of the planet from above was one thing, but once on the ground? David couldn't help but muse over what they would discover. Was it truly like Earth? Would there be differences here than there? One way to find out, and that was to venture outside and see.

"My knight," Minerva pouted and pinched his suit in her finger and thumb and pulled. "Stretchy armour?" She questioned with an uncertain grin sent his way. David just rolled his eyes, shaking his head and moving from her side he returned to the controls. Opening the door both turned and listened to the agonised groan which came from it. The door genuinely seemed to struggle, it jarred and shuddered and seemed to crunch against something outside before it was fully opened and they could feel the cool air coming in.

David returned back to her side, they could see the outside. A forest, or at least woodland, there were the clear signs of tree trunks, leaves, charred and ruined soil from the crash. Exchanging a look, they both moved closer for a better look. Although both wanted to get out and explore, they were both very aware that this was still an alien world. Only because the Engineers weren't anymore, didn't mean something couldn't have escaped the black rain and seek them out.

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