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And here I am, baring myself to you after midnight. Pouring my feelings out into an unfeeling prism. And, oh, how right it feels! I beg of you these things. I beg of you to see me as beautiful as I hope to be. As brilliant as I aspire to be. As graceful, as reserved, as gracious as you would like. I beg of you to shine your spotlight on me, the one that will make my eyes shine and my hair flow. I beg of you to obey the illusion that is my beauty. I beg of you to see it. And, lastly, I beg of you this one thing.

Love me wholeheartedly. Love me, breathe me, pour yourself into me until I carry us both in my chest. I love you, I adore you. Love me. Love me. Love me please. Love me. Love only me.

April 19, 2014 12:25am

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