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It's quarter past midnight on what should be a school morning and I guess it's time to accept a bitter truth that has been trying to force it's way into my mind and out of my mouth and through my fingertips for days on end.

I'm supposed to break hearts, not have mine shattered and stepped on and ridiculed. You whore. You idiot. Dammit, why are you so easy? So stupid? You crave attention. You crave a love that doesn't even exist. You hypocrite. How could you believe you could break something that you never even had. You're cocky and insolent. And damn how could you even call anyone else so oblivious and so so so dull? How could you ever? How could you ever?

It's twenty two past midnight on what I wish was a school morning and I hate myself again.

June 23, 2014 12:23am

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