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I could've sworn you saw me dancing today. And sitting there, watching. I'm never too sure when it comes to you. When it comes to your wandering eyes settling down on me, I can never tell if it is just my mind playing cruel tricks on me. For I cannot deny, she talked me into it once. Sometime maybe two months before I sat in the dark, letting myself be convinced that you do, in fact, love me.

A few vacant stares and locked eyes. A naïve, oblivious girl convincing herself to believe blackened, bloody lies.

But I cannot swear that you saw us. I can only hope that you did. I need you to believe I am happy without you.

A hovering hug and awkward goodbye. A naïve, oblivious boy believing sugarcoated, angel-winged lies.

June 13, 2014 4:36pm

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