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Sit there.

Sit right there in a pool of your own regret and wrongs.

Sit there and don't you dare say a word.

Everything that ever came out of your mouth was worthless, useless, painful.

Sit there and slosh around in every word you've uttered against me and tell me this; you were right.

You liar.

Bask in the black light of wrongful words and knives that you've stabbed into my back multiple times until I was crumpled on the cold, bloody floor and you told me to stand up.

Dammit, I will.

I will stand.

I will stand and I will take the knife and I will plunge it into my own flesh as many times as I need to so you can know.

I am not weak. I will not be weak. I was never weak.

I was never weak.

I will plunge bullets through my skull, dammit. I will swallow pills and poisons. I will wrap ropes around my neck. I will breathe the water and the blood into my lungs. I will live.

I am not weak. I will live.

Your words never meant a thing.

Watch me. Watch me rise. Watch me get to where you were never able to go.

I will be everything you never believed I could be. I will be everything you cannot be. I will be.

I am not weak.

I never was.

Heaven be my witness and hell be to pay.

I will.

July 30, 2014 2:55am

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