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Your body is the only home that cannot be sold. It will not fall down on you. Your skin is not a trap. Your skin is not a prison. It is a shade on the spectrum of color that no mortal's eyes have ever graced and no mortal's eyes can ever comprehend. You are not darkness. You are not evil. You are warmer than the very sun. You are more fluid than the river's waters. You are free. Your skin is not a cage. It is not a death sentence. It is deserving of the sun's very kiss. The earth has been molded into the shape of your very body. You belong to you and no mortal will be able to strip you of your skin of dark gold.
You are worth more than any price a man can fathom.

January 19, 2015 11:23pm; i am a woman of color and my skin is my favorite blessing

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