Johnny (2)

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a/n: Okay so this isn't a request but I really wanted to write something random. I didn't have school today but i had a lot of homework and juust finished it!

To all you Johnny fans, here ya go~!


Johnny As A Boyfriend~!:


-So, Let's talk how you meet

-It's your shift at the coffee shop (obvious cheesiness is obvious)

-And it's late at night

-you were about to close up

-so you were putting your barista apron-thingy away

-and the bell chimes signalling some FUCKER CAME IN ONE MINUTE TILL CLOSING



-This fu-

-I mean hot sonofabitch dayum look at his FACE Y'ALL

-*ehem* you take his order

-"Hi i'll have 9 cups of your strongest coffee"

-Wait why tf does he need 9 cUPS OF IT

-you don't question and immediately make it

-"The faster I make this shit the faster I get to go home and watch Harry Potter"

-"Woah Woah Woah you like Harry Potter too?"

-It turns out

-the maniac who drinks 9 cups of coffee at like 12 am is a pretty cool dude

-You later find out it wasn't for him

-but it was in fact for hIS KPOP GROUP WHAATT

-no wonder he's so hot

-Time skip whoop whoop

-You've been dating for about....4 months?

-yeah let's say that

-now at first Johnny's all chill and nonchalant about everything

-wanting to let you open up to him

-but as soon as you do


-He's annoying as fu-I mean the most amazing little-tall-whatever bean on earth

-You want some food? Get ready because he's tAKIN YOU OUT.

-You got cramps? he's waitin on your hand and foot (if he can, he's a kpop idol ya know. got duties).

-He's just an overall cutie patootie in relationships

-Now now now, though.

-There's also the jokes.

-He likes making fun of your height, no matter how tol or smol you are.

-You smaller than him? Get ready for "how's the weather down there" jokes.

-You taller than him? He always asks you to get stuff for him

-even tho he's a TOL BEAN HIMSELF.

-The boyz love you


-You're like their 2nd mom (because Taeyong is #1 up in dis bitch).

-The Dreamies always ask you to help prank the hyungs

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