Taeyong (8)

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A/n: I'm so tired and stressed but writing decompresses it, so I hope you enjoy/


Taeyong as a Cuddle buddy!:


-My main hoeeee

-I love him so much you have no idea

-okay so anyways

-Taeyong as a cuddler aweee

-Taeyong is also a pretty shy boy, but of course, he has that other side of him

-you know

-that other side


-taeyong seems like the type of guy who would lowkey enjoy cuddles

-or highkey

-no in-between

-he likes cuddling when it's raining

- i love cuddling when it's raining personally it's a good time cuz the rain sounds are so nice

- I feel like Taeyong would love to have small talk when cuddling, too.

-He takes cuddling as a type of session where you both could just laze around

-but also talk about things you feel you need to share with the other

-it can be as little as 'what's for dinner?'

-or it can be as big as ' should we move in together?'

-you know

-adult stuff lmao


-Taeyong is a big sucker for cuddling in the rain as I said before

-I don't know

-I just picture him laying down, his arms wrapped around his significant other 

-his head resting upon theirs as they make small chatter while the rain patters on the windows of the bedroom

-it's just something that I can see with him

-so, to me, Taeyong doesn't seem like the one to show too much affection around the other members

-so minimal cuddling there

-maybe if you're watching a movie with the other members of NCT, he would wrap an arm around you and pull you closer to him

- to 'conserve space' as he calls it

-but he just wanna cuddle with chu :)

-It's weird that I see Taeyong as a shy person

-but also as a needy person

-if he really needs cuddles, like after a long day

-he needs them at that second

-no excuses

- He's like "Cuddling now I need to talk about my day" kinda stuff

-of course, if you're busy

-He'd wait patiently


-okay okay anyways i'm just uwuing rn 

-don't mind me

-Taeyong seems like the type of guy who just loved cuddling but doesn't want to do it always

-because those moments are precious to him and he doesn't want that feeling to go away

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