Chapter 10: Flarissa

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Ohaio Minna^^

I don't know when but I will update a prolouge for The Last world just to make things intresting^^

Here is chapter 10 of Cold Days^^


'' How do you know all this?'' Wendy asked horrified.
'' Because I too Once lived in this village....I'm the only one left.''
'' But....That doesn't even make sense....You should be dead if that was the case.'' Gray said.
'' I'm old. But I can't go to peace until this village is saved. That's why I'm here protecting the people here...Protecting the people that travel this way from the monster.''

'' You said there was a way to save her.'' Carla said.
'' Yes there is a way...But as I said its not nice..''

'' Tell us . How can we save Lucy?'' Erza said.

'' We have to make a ritual. If we gather some things can we make a circle and with the circle undo the curse. But.'' He said and fell silent.
'' But?'' Happy asked.
'' It she can also die if we do it.''
'' So we don't have any other option than taking a chance and hope that she will not die from the ritual?''
'' Correct.'' He said and nodded.
'' I think we should do it.'' Wendy said.
'' Me too.'' Gray said.
'' Agree. Better than just let her die.'' Erza said.
'' Aye!'' Natsu and Happy exclaimed.
'' Are you guys really sure about that?'' Stour asked.
'' Yes.'' Lucy said and appeard behind him.
'' Well guess I can't talk you guys out from it so I will help.'' He said.
'' Thanks old man!'' Natsu said and grinned.
'' Don't call him an old man ya stupid fire breather.'' Gray said.
'' You said something?'' Natsu asked and turned around with a suprised look.
'' Yeah I did you stupid Idiot!'' Gray screamed and sweat dropped.
Everyone started laughing.

'' Well shall I show you all my home´. It's better than this place.'' He said and laughed shortly.
'' Hai!'' They said.
Lucy took one of her keys.
'' Open the gate of the...'' Lucy started but was cut off by a pair of muscular arms that held her her and lifted her up princess style.
'' Eh?'' Lucy said and looked at the one that was currently holding her.
'' What do you think you doing?'' Natsu asked while looking at her with her in his arms.
'' I was going to summon Leo so he could help me walk. I'm kind of to weak to walk on my own.'' Lucy said.
'' Don't worry. I can carry you.'' Natsu grinned.
'' Really?'' Lucy asked while blushing.
'' Yeah. Don't use your powers when your sick.'' He said.
'' Arigatou.'' Lucy smiled.
Everyone smiled at the sight.
'' Well if you all would follow me.'' Stour said and walked outside of the house but stopped.
Wendy bumped into him.
'' Why did you stop?'' Erza asked.

Infront of them was a flock of Snow monsters.
'' Well this will be troublesome.'' Stour said and scratched the back of his head.

'' Aye...'' Happy said.

'' Well this is a sight you do not see often.'' A voice said.
They turned their heads at the direction of the voice.
In the front of the flock a woman had appeard.
'' Stour how have you been old man?'' She asked.
'' Flarissa I should've known that you was behind all of this. First the Snowmonsters and now you send someone to attacked someone who isn't involved with this. You sure are not afraid to die.''
'' Wait she was the one behind what happend to lucy?'' Natsu asked with lucy in his arms.
'' Well Yes dear Dragneel.'' She said.
He winced.

'' How do you know my name?'' He asked.
'' I know everything about you and your friends especially Lucy Heartfilia.''
'' gh...'' Lucy's eyes widen.

'' How are you doing?'' She asked.
'' I'm dying if that is what you want to hear!'' sputtering Lucy.
'' I'm glad that it actually worked this time.''
'' What the heck are you talking about?!'' Gray exclaimed.
'' I'm talking about the curse Mr Fullbuster. This is actually the first time it works.'' Flarissa smiled.

'' You've tried before!?'' Erza exclaimed horrified.
'' Yes but it never worked.'' She said.
''You bastard!'' Natsu said.
'' Soon Miss Heartfilia will cease to exist. And you can't to a damn thing about it.'' Flarissa said and laughed.
'' I'm going to fucking kill you!'' Natsu screamed.
'' Easy there Fire Dragon. '' Flarissa said and her smile got brighter.
'' You are not going to get away with this Flarissa.'' Stour said.
'' Looks like I do.'' Flarissa smiled and disappeard in a mist of smoke.


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