Chapter 22: Leo Vs Flarissa

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Ohaio Minna!

This chapter is dedicated to lolkittty321

I'm sorry that all of sudden am I giving dedications to people and please don't be sad because I love you all^^ I'm just thinking that giving dedications is making people more happy so please If you want a dedication and haven't got it on this story please tell me in the comments^^!

In The multimedia is the Battle song for this Chapter!

Til Next time Minna Take Care!^^


'' Wait Erza!'' Natsu said while shaking. '' He's mine!''

Erza turned her gaze to natsu and it made him shiver.

'' Erza is on a rampage again!'' Gray screamed in panic.

'' This will soon be a one-sided fight.'' Alzack said and requiped his weapon to a revolver.

'' And I just started having fun.'' Laxus said in disappointment.

'' I just hope Lucy is alright...'' Bisca thought.


Leo slammed his fist right in Flarissa's face and she flew right in the wall. Leo jumped backwards and landed infront of lucy.

Flarissa spat blood and looked up. She got her head out of the wall and small pieces of the wall fell off. Her eyes narrowed in anger.

'' You little piece of shit. How dare you.'' Flarissa hissed in anger.

Leo looked at her with a fierce glance.

Flarissa held out her hand and a purple light started gathering on her hand. She fired a purple beam at them. Leo turned around quickly and picked lucy up in his arms and he jumped out of the way. The beam struck the ground where they had once stood and the ground began to break until it was only a crater left.

Leo landed on the right side of the crater. He helped lucy to her feet.

'' Thanks leo.'' Lucy said and smiled.

'' Anytime Lucy.'' Leo said.

Flarissa's body started shaking in anger and her eyes became dangerously red.

'' Stop helping her ! I can't stand seeing you so happy together!'' Flarissa screamed.

Lucy looked at her in suprise.

'' I will destroy both of you!'' Flarissa screamed and her hand started glowing purple again.

'' This is bad. If she continue ,she will destroy the whole building!'' Leo exclaimed.

'' Nani!?'' Lucy exclaimed in fear.

The beam fired at them and lucy jumped to the left and leo to the right and the beam struck the ground.

'' Baka! You will destroy us all!'' Lucy screamed at Flarissa.

'' I will destroy you. Even if I have to sacrifice myself.'' Flarissa said with a blank expression.

'' I don't think she cares about the poison plan anymore.'' Leo said. '' Now it's personal.''

Flarissa took off at her.

'' Lucy look out!'' Leo screamed at her.

Flarissa appeard infront of her and drew her fist back. Lucy gasped in surprise and rolled to the left. Flarissa brought her first forward to hit her but she was to late and she hit the ground. Her fist started bleeding. She turned her head at lucy that was looking at her in shock.

Flarissa was about to try to hit again but leo blocked it. Leo twisted flarissa's hand. Flarissa screamed out in pain as her hand were twisted in a horrible way.

Flarissa kicked at leo but leo jumped out of the way and landed infront of lucy.

'' You piece of..'' Flarissa said while gasping for air. The pain in her hand almost had made her lose all of her air in the lungs.

Lucy looked in horror at her.

'' Sorry for that but I think that was necessary.'' Leo apologized.

'' Hai. Arigato Leo.'' Lucy told him.

Flarissa took her other hand and placed it on her injured hand and she took a deep breath and twisted it as fast as she could to it's normal state.

Flarissa gritted her teeth in pain and then looked at her hand and smiled.

Lucy looked frightened at her.

'' There is no end to this!'' Leo exclaimed and took off at her and his fist started glowing.

Flarissa smiled a disgusting smile.

'' Don't think so.'' She said and kicked him in the stomach. Leo's expression turned from determined to suprised and Flarissa punched him in the leg and it made him fell forward and he slammed straight into the ground. Flarissa kicked him on the side and he flew right in the wall.

Lucy's body started feeling numb and she fell to her knees.

'' Luc...y'' Leo managed to say and he opened his eyes and he started coughing blood.

Lucy turned her head to look at him.

'' My body...I can't feel my body...'' Lucy thought.


Next time on Cold days:

'' Le...o'' Lucy said with tears in her eyes as she held out her hand at him.

'' Natsu...'' She said while breathing heavily.

'' Aye sir!'' Happy said and picked up lucy in his arms. '' You can count on me!''

Lucy's eyes widen.

This will all happen in Cold Days: Chapter 23: Help Arrives!

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