Chapter Fifteen

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"Emerson comes home today!" I yell excitedly as I run into the kitchen. I jump into Sebastian's open arms, giggling excitedly. I missed him so much! I giggle again. It's been so long, but in just about three hours, we'll be driving to the rehab center to pick him up. 

Remington's standing, making breakfast, when an obviously hungover Danny makes his way into the kitchen. Remington is immediate with passing pain meds and a bottle of water to him, still working on whatever he's making. Seb sets me down when I squirm for it, and I head to the living room. I haven't been here recently, on account that Emerson has been away. Every morning, him and I would sit on this couch (the beige, sticky, leather one) and watch cartoons while we ate breakfast. The cartoon currently on is Ren and Stimpy, one I've surprisingly never seen. It's quite gross, I note, so I change the channel to Tom and Jerry, Emerson's favorite.

I raise my eyebrow at Remington as he brings me a bowl of Fruity Pebbles instead of whatever he was making on the stove. "I failed. Don't talk about it." I laugh. None of the boys can cook particularly well, and I find it quite hilarious. 

In a few minutes, Sebastian and Remington join me on the couch with their bowls of cereal as well. I don't think I've ever seen Seb in something as casual as a t-shirt and sweatpants, but that's what he currently lounges in, eyes fixated on the TV as an animated cat and mouse silently fight about. I rest my head on Remmi's shoulder again. I'm exhausted. I wasn't able to fall asleep until nearly two a.m., and it's nine. But it's okay, because noon means pickup for Emerson. 

I bring my bowl to the sink and head upstairs for the showers.


I let out a squeal as soon as the van passes through the center's gates. Sebastian glances back into the rearview mirror and laughs as a smile breaks out on my face. It's been three weeks since I've seen Emerson, or even talked to him, and I miss him so much. "The wait's almost over!" Remington exclaims, pointing one finger to the roof. 

"What a dweeb," Stephanie mutters under her breath. Sebastian parks, and the four of us climb from the car. 

The walk to the rehab center begins. My heart pounds quicker and quicker with each step. The building is intimidating, and Remington wraps his arm tighter around my torso when he sees me stiffen. The institute is so white it's nearly blinding. It's so bland it makes me nauseous. 

The inside's walls are better, a shade of mint green. There's couches and chairs scattering the room, with a small TV above a faux electric fireplace. The reception desk is a dark oak, with a bouquet of bright yellow roses in a vase in the corner. "Hi," Sebastian says as he approaches the lady behind the desk. She's wearing lilac purple scrubs, her blonde hair pulled up into a bun that just accentuates her skinny face. "We're here to pick up Emerson....Emerson Barrett,"

It hits me that this is finally happening; that Em is coming home. I turn to Remington, smiling as a rush of excitement hits me. The receptionist calls a nurse, who will bring Emerson to us in just a few minutes. I become vaguely aware of Remington's arm leaving my torso and Stephanie's hand resting on my shoulder. My body bounces with jitters as time ticks on. 

A nurse in forest green scrubs comes and leads the four of us to the family room; where it's more standing around and waiting for Emerson. I outwardly sigh. I just want him to be back, with us, already! I am happy he's felling better, though. The facility wouldn't release him unless he was feeling better, so I am overjoyed that he's doing better than when I saw him last.

And then, all of the sudden, he's there. "Emmy!" I scream, running into his arms. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, extremely tightly. I start to cry as his head presses into the crook of my neck. I feel a wet spot forming on that skin, and hear Emerson's uneven breathing touch my ears. "Emmy," I sigh. "I missed you so much."

"Oh my God, Lottie, I missed you so much more. Your letters were amazing, I got them all." I cry so hard I start to shake ever so slightly. Emerson's hold is as strong as it was the last night I saw him. He still smells exactly like he did. Fuck, I missed him.

Emerson moves me onto his hip to hug his brothers and Stephanie. Tears still silently fall down my cheeks. Emerson smiles, genuinely smiles, over at me. "Fuck, I miss you." He sighs, shaking his head ever so slightly. 

"I'm here now! Right here, Emmy!" He smiles, fingers squeezing my ribs ever so slightly. 

Sebastian signs Emerson out while I just hold onto him for dear life. "I'm so happy you're here,"

I fully break down; sobbing onto the shoulder of his white shirt. Emerson pulls me closer, hushing me and giving reminders to breathe. "It's alright," He says. "You're okay...I'm here." I hold onto him with a level of strength I didn't even know I had. I have never missed anyone this much. The only time it's come close is when the court ordered me away from the boys. I need them to function, it's not even funny. 

"Fuck," Emerson curses. "I'm never gonna leave you again..."

***A/N: Hi lol sorry this is so short next chapter is dramatic as shit***

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