Chapter Forty

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***A/N: Hi here's some definitions for this chapter. Also some people may find this chapter as "gross" or that it makes them "uncomfortable" but there's nothing disgusting about a woman's body or vaginas in general no matter you say.

Dilation: Normally, your cervix—the opening to your uterus—is tightly shut. ... At the end of your pregnancy, your cervix starts to open up—this is dilation. Leading up to and during the course of labor, your cervix will dilate to around 10 centimeters, which is about equal to the diameter of a softball.

ARMC: Anaheim Regional Medical Center

Contraction(s): Labor contractions are the periodic tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle, the largest muscle in a woman's body. Something triggers the pituitary gland to release a hormone called oxytocin that stimulates the uterine tightening. It is difficult to predict when true labor contractions will begin. Labor contractions signal the start of a birth.***

 I'm panicking. 

"W-We aren't r-ready." I stutter, anxiety bubbling in my chest. "I...the....Sebbie." Jeremy places a hand on my elbow as I sob into Sebastian's chest. My bump dropped two days ago, so I made an appointment with Dr. Kimberly. I'm three centimeters dilated.

Eli is coming today.

Tomorrow I'll be thirty-eight weeks or full term...but he is coming now. I feel a pressure, a new sensation like never before rip through my stomach, and I clutch tighter onto Sebastian and wince. "Fuck, get in the van."

I'm in the very last row with Jeremy. He's holding my hand tight while his other hand fidgets through the hospital bag, his shoulder pressing the phone to his ear. "Remington," He pants out breathlessly. "We're on our way to ARMC. Lottie's gone into labor."


I'm six centimeters by the time I'm screaming for pain meds. I'm holding Seb's hand so tight it may snap, and if I had the energy to I'd be writhing on the bed. I'm in so much pain. "Please...Dr. Kimberly. I need s-something." The pain is nearly to the point where I can't take it. Sebastian's attempting to calm me down, but I can't listen to him. All I can focus on right now is not screaming in pain. 

Whatever a Maternity Nurse starts a drip of works, and I gradually release my grip on Sebastian's hand. He leans over the side of my bed and kisses my cheek. I lock eyes with Jeremy, who's rubbing Caden's back. Caden looks like he hasn't slept since he got here. His light brown hair is covered by a gray beanie. He's dressed in a white Dodie Clark shirt with baggy blue jeans and what looks like Remington's white and black Converse. His elbows are on his knees and his head is in his hands. 

Emerson juts out to grab ahold of Remington's arm as he paces the width of the room. "Relax," He says. "She's okay." Remmi glances at me, and I nod to confirm it. Sebastian squeezes my hand. It's hour three.

Remington was practically having a panic when he arrived. We crossed paths when he was getting his visitor's pass and I was being wheeled to the Maternity Ward. He almost lost his shit. He always has been protective over me, and he's probably gonna be that times 100 for little Elijah.

I'm hit with a contraction, and I toss my head back, groaning as I squeeze Sebastian's hand. He leans up to kiss my forehead and helps me breathe through it.

"We've got a bit to go," He says against my skin. "But you're strong and you can do it."


***A/N: Trigger Warning: Slight Rape. Slight abuse.***

Hour eleven and Eli is finally ready to come. I'm finally ten centimeters dilated, thank fuck. It's 8:17 PM. Anxiety is rushing through me. I'm not sure I'm ready. Of course, I want Elijah to be here already (I've waited thirty-eight weeks for this moment), but I'm scared now that it's time.

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