Chapter Forty-Seven

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It's been two weeks since the attack. Shy is practically bed-ridden. Not because she's hurt, but because she's weak from the toll recovery is taking on her body. Emerson is better. He's covered in a bunch of pretty nasty scars, but he's on his feet. It's more than Shy and Remington can say. Rem is still on crutches; his calve still filled with stitches, covered by a thick gauze wrapping around his leg. His face has a smaller bandage on it; a material a bit thicker than a bandaid, from where the swiss army knife blade cut his cheek open. Stephanie is at Physical Therapy right now with Sebastian, learning to walk all over again. She was operated on almost as soon as she arrived at the hospital. A chunk of the back of her leg is now gone. She has to re-balance herself. It hasn't been easy. Sebastian is having a hard time driving due to his arm injury, so we've been Ubering everywhere. Caden and Jeremy are gone, and I'm having a hard time coping. I miss them. I wish they could stay with us. 

I hold the door for Remington, making sure he doesn't fall on his crutches. It's my first day of school. We set the timetable up about a week ago. My heart is pounding. I'm fucking terrified. I haven't been in school since last year; and it was bad back in Buffalo. I'm hoping this school will be better. I hope the kids will be nicer. Hope I'll make friends. It sucks having no friends here. Yeah, I have the boys, but when Caden and Jeremy leave, there's just no outlet I can sit face to face with and rant to.

My hands start to shake about halfway to school. Sebastian and I talked long and hard about this choice. Me going back to school means changing my entire life. Firstly, nobody can know who my parents are. The last thing I need is them taking it the wrong way; and then there's two more years of teasing and bullying. Secondly, nobody can know I'm a teen mom. They'd be relentless. I've seen it happen to girls back home. Thirdly, nobody can know my secret. Nobody does know. As much as I want to, I haven't even told the boys yet. Nobody besides myself knows about...

Before my thoughts can continue, Remington pulls me into his side, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. It's calming. Grounds me before my brain can go somewhere I don't want it to go. I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder. I'm gonna miss this. I don't want to have a panic attack in class and have to sit down in a cold room while trying to ground myself; when the only way I know how to ground myself is with the boys. When I get hit with a depression shockwave, there is nobody to go to until the school day is over. I'm nervous.

"If you can't do it after a week; we'll do lessons online. You're not forced into this. We only want what's best for you, Lottie. If it's a physical school, then we'll keep you here. If it's a different school, we'll make arrangements. If it's home studies; we can do it. Don't worry. Just take some deep breaths and have a great day." I lean up and kiss Remington on the cheek. I can't believe it's been almost a year.

The school comes into view. Remington gets out, crutches tucked under his arms, and I follow right alongside. We buzz into the school. It's 8:30, but because it's Tuesday, Orange Performing Arts is on a late start. 

The principal greets us. He's a tall man, with black hair slicked straight back and a perfect smile. When I blink, my brain makes the connection to Drew, and there's his face. Remington snaps his fingers in front of my face, and thank fuck that brings me back. That would have been a great first impression; especially since Remington would struggle on the crutches. 

My first class is photography, and begins in ten minutes. I take a deep breath, turn around, and hug Remington as tight as I can muster. He hugs me back, crutches slightly digging into my side, but I don't move. I hold him as tight as I can. When we pull apart, he says he'll see me at 2:30, and then I follow the principal down the hallway to photography.

If only you knew, Remington....

A Series Of Letters {Adopted by Palaye Royale}Where stories live. Discover now