Chapter 7 (After The Dance)

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Zayn's POV

Today is our presentation for waltz dance and after this I'll surprise Jess for something I really can't take this anymore, I mean I've always felt jealous whenever Luke is around flirting with her.

"I love you for a thousand more..."

that was the end part of our song and I was still bending holding her on her waist to keep her not to fall.

"Your so beautiful." I break the silence and she stands up after the last melody.

"Thank you. Wait Zayn I just need to go to the restroom." She replied back and I nodded.

"See you under the tree in 15 minutes? The place we always hang out." I added and she nodded back.

After she open the door and walks away I signal the guys to start the surprise to her when she got out to the restroom. And I run through the hallway down on my way to our hang out place.

Jessica's POV

After staring at myself in the mirror. I sigh, I just don't know what to do I really want him but I'm so confused. Before I got out of the rest room for about 10 minutes, wow quite long, a girl maybe a sophomore entered the restroom and handed me a red rose.

"That's for you." she told me and after that she get inside the comfort room.

"Thanks." I was surprised. That was weird. And after that I go out of the rest room.

I was walking in the hallway when a guy on my same age maybe also gave me a rose. It's confusing now,what was happening?!

"Hi pretty, this is for you." He told me.

"Sounds weird, but thanks." I took it and proceed walking.

"Hey ma men take this rose this is for you." maybe this is a senior and handed me another rose. Now it's driving me crazy.

I just proceed walking down the hallway and some of student also gave me roses. I counted it and it now 16 pieces . While I was walking on my way to the tree, Valentina interrupts me and handed me a a red rose and smile to me. She was about to leave but I hold her wrist.

"Wait Val, I'm really confused , what is happening?"  I asked her curiously.

"You will see my dear. Now proceed walking. See you in a bit." and after that he walks off. Wow! I am really confused at this moment . I proceed walking so maybe I'll find the answer and walk through under the tree and I sit there waiting for Zayn. After a few seconds he arrives holding a white rose. His rose was different from the others because it's white and the others are red.

Zayn's POV

I walked through her way and she saw me I was holding a white rose and handed it to her.

"Hey Zayn, thank you for this. But I know your the one who can answer this I'm so confused now. So what's happening?" She asked me with a confuse look.

"I take this chance and I waited this day to happen Jess, this roses are all for you, I just wanted you to know that I really want to surprise you and let you see all my effort. I'm still trying Jessie. These red rose represents you as my blood because your like a blood to me you are the river of my life. And this white rose means purity, I love you without any conditions I love you with all my heart, soul and mind." stated to her what I really feel for her.

"Zayn--.." She started but I cut off.

"Jessica dela Cruz Krog, will you be my girl?" I heartily asked her. I saw tears left her eyes.

Do you Still Remember Me?(Zayn or Niall 1D fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن