Chapter 35 (Leaving Me)

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Jessica's POV

"Baby,I'm going to miss you so much." I told him then pull my tears back.

"Me too baby,please don't cry."He told me then rub my cheeks gently.

Where here at the airport now dropping Niall because he's going to Ireland now and heading to France with his family.

"If only you tell me you will stay there for almost 1 month then I should have book my ticket too."I told him while hugging him so tight.

"Baby, you could go with us then." Niall told me and smiled

"I don't want to be hard with your family babe, you know that." I told her then he pecked my lips.

"Paging for the passenger flight to Ireland plane #0675 please proceed to the boarding area to check in now." The flight attendant informed at the passengers

"Niall it's you're plane now you're at the first class right?" Harry told him then he nodded

"Course Harry, that's an order of the management." Zayn informed him.

"By the way Niall our 2 body guards are going with you, the modest's order." Liam told him then he move his head motioning to the 2 body guards behind us.

"Alright guys, I really need to go, hey Zayn, don't forget what we had talked about okay, lads, take good care of my princess while I'm out." Niall informed the lads then they all nodded and replied back and I started crying again.

"Of course Niall, even if you're around, we'll take good care of her." Liam assured him and smiled then I smiled too.

"Yes Niall, we're going to guard her." Louis replied back.

"Yea Niall, I won't forget about it." Zayn told him then patted his shoulder.

"I can handle your princess I mean we." Harry arrogantly told him then we all laughed.

"By the way where is Val?" Niall asked us then looked around." She's buying coffee.

"There she is." Liam pointed to the running beautiful girl, Val.

"I'm sorry guys, I took so long here's your coffee, here's yours Niall." she breaths too fast then handed us our coffees.

"Thanks Val." we all told her then she giggled.

"By the way how about you're date with Louis?" Harry reminds her then she went red.

"It's not up to me." She replied back and went more red.

"It's a surprise." Louis answered back and smiled.

"Guys I really have to go or else I'll missed the flight." Niall interrupted.

"Baby......." I hold his hand and look into his eyes once more.

"Babe I'll be back soon don't worry I won't find other girls there, you're the only one here in my heart, I'm  going to call you and Skype baby, 1 month is too fast." He told me then I kissed his lips directly it was long an passionate.

"Eherrrrmmmm." the lads interrupted us and laughed.

"Shut up guys I'm going to miss this." I told him then Niall kissed me once more and hugged me.

"I love you babe more than you could ever imagine." he told me then I start to cry again.

"I love you too from here to the moon then back here and goes all around the world." I told him then I kissed him shortly and we broke apart after that.

"Guys take care okay? Especially you my princess." he told us  then started to walked to the boarding area.

Then after that I just find myself sitting on the car while Zayn was driving off to the house.

"Hey you're out of your mind since where at the airport when Niall leaves." Zayn broke my thoughts and I just look into his eyes.

"Yeah you are Jessie, don't worry Niall will be back soon, and we're still here." I was surprised when Liam speaks I thought only me and Zayn were on the car but Liam was also there at the back seat.

"I'm sorry guys, yea you're right you're still here the cutest guy I've ever seen alive ever." I cheered myself up.

"You're right." Zayn added and smiled while facing the road.

"Where's is Val, Louis and Harry?" I asked them when I noticed they are not around even though I know we headed at the airport with two car.

"I'm really right, you're out of your mind Jessie,did you forgot we're with two cars, they are at the other one, they are at the back of us." Liam told me then he chuckled.

"I want to cheer up, I want to relax." I told him then frowned.

"Ughh, open you're Twitter, by the way what's your Twitter account we haven't followed you yet coz we haven't visit it yet for the last 3 weeks only the management does open our accounts." Liam told me then he looks for my name there.

"I don't have twitter, maybe before I have that but now? I haven't. After the accident I've been busy recovering up,don't get that chance to have any accounts from social websites." I told him then bowed my head from embarrassment.

"It's okay Jess, I'll help you to make one." He willingly told me then borrowed my phone and started signing up.


Hi guys, I'm sorry haven't updated for 2 weeks, been busy to my training for the National games.

Val you're part will be updated soon I'm sure you'll like it. :) xx

Vote and comment please :)

-JessieBoO ^.^

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