Chapter 41 (Excuses)

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Zayn's POV

Where driving home for about 20 minutes now while talking random things.

"I can't imagine we reach this kind of dream." I shared to her then I steal a glance to her seeing that she fell asleep.

"Sleep well sleeping beauty." I whispered then continue driving.

After 10 minutes we reach there house and drive off in front.

"Jessie, wake up we're here." I shook her softly then she just move a little then growled but not too loud.

"Jessie, wake up you're, Dad!!" I shouted then she seat up straight and look everywhere then I started laughing.

"You're so mean Zayn, you surprised me as hell!" she speaks back and frowned.

"I'm sorry love, it's not really my intension to scare you." I poke her softly then she looked at me.

"Dork!" she shouted then laughed and gets out of the car.

"Hey wait." I locked the car door and run after her.

"Harry up, you dorky man!" He teased me then laughed.

I'm just enjoying this moments with her, teasing with one another. Even though Niall owned her now. But I'm starting to move on a bit, accepting what will be the circumstances that will be happening later or sooner. I just really thinks that even though Shea not mine anymore, well at least she's in the good hand.

Then I just found myself standing in front of there front gate with her ready to push the button of there door bell. Then suddenly a full muscled man in uniform seems like there guard opened the gate. Wow! More than I could ever imagine. They became more progressive. Of course they were before since we're in Bradford but not like this. They are so blessed full. But still Jess is still the same as she is before even though she have lost her memories, she's still very down to earth not knowing with her other friends that she came from a very wealthy family it's also because she also wanted to live independently. I'm so proud of her.

"Holy! Jess, I don't even know you came from a very wealthy family, you're rich!" I showed that I don't even know her much, though I know all about her I just excused because also of her condition so that she won't noticed me knowing her more than she know herself now then we entered and there guard greeted us.

"Not really Zayn." She humbly replied and opened then front door.

"But as I can see, you're very progressive huh!" I teased her and told her what I see to act more strange in her background life.

"Zayn, maybe my parents are, but not me, I'm just starting to be with my work, I hope someday, but just a moderate happy life." she told me then smiled. Honestly, I'm a little bit scared to fave her family, after all what happened. Being left by her on her family's decision, but of course I can't blame them, it's just for the sake of us in there own way.

"Hey Jessie, at last you went back home!" her elder sister went to approached her but suddenly stopped when she sees me.

"Zayn?!" She was starstruck seeing me, then when she noticed Jessie's confused look she changed her facial reaction into a 12 years old seeing there idols in front of her.

"You know him?" Jessie suddenly breaks the ice.

"Huh? of course sis! Who doesn't know this one of the member of very popular boy band here in whole wide world living?" She told Jessie more surprisingly than I could ever imagine.

"Uhh, yeah sort of, haha! Well sis, because you know him already well I'll let myself introduce you to him." she started then smiled energetically. "Zayn, this is my elder sister, Saralyn." She introduced me to her not knowing that I knew her since before.

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