Chapter 47 (Flight to France)

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Jessica's POV

I was awaken up by the phone ringing on top of my cupboard. Then I look at the clock, it said 2:30am I don't remember why am I here in my room now, wearing a pair of pajamas. Wait! What?! I was changed?!

Buzz.. buzz..

The sound of my phone interrupted my thoughts so I brushed it first away then answered the phone call without knowing who it was.

"Jessie!" He doom the speaker of my phone. Yes, it was Harry.

"Hey, Harry! are you allowed to use a phone inside the boys town? Aren't you?" I asked him then he chuckled.

"Of course Uncle Si give as a break. What are you doing by the way?" he asked me, isn't he sleepy?

"Harry! are you crazy? why did you call in the middle of the night?" I asked him then he went serious.

"It's all about Fariha, I'm  sorry for waking you up, but you're the only girl I'm close with and can tell and ask for advice." he told me then I felt guilty.

"Ohh, I'm sorry Harry for acting so dumb, well, what about Fariha?" I asked him then I lift on my position.

"You know what, I dream about her, again. And I can't take this anymore, but she's dating a man right now, and it really hurts for me to know, I love her but I don't think she will love me back, and the problem is I can't trust that man she is with. Something keep rushing on my feeling that he is planning something for Fariha. You know what Jessie, this is the first time I felt very serious about a girl, and I can't take it not to tell her, because if you truly like that person you doesn't need to think twice if you want to hold her and never let her go then go for it, if you want to kiss her even she will slap you then go for it but in away with manner." Because of the last part Harry told me, I remember Zayn did to me last night, he just kiss me, so he love me too. OMG! I mean he still love me. But I have Niall now, and I love him, but Zayn is my past boyfriend that haven't have a proper break up, I really cause him a lot of pain.

"Harry, this what I can advice you, if you really love her then go for it, protect her, show her that you care for her. Keep your eyes on her especially for now that you felt something bad about her boyfriend. Let her feel that you will always by her side, because girls are appreciative. We are easy to fall. Don't worry , she likes you too. I'll help you when you get back." I advice him but still I can't forget what happen earlier, I can remember now every details and it confuse me a lot.

"That was amazing Jessie, now I know what to do! it's really all worth it, your advise. I love ya babe, thank you." That's him again being sweet, thanks God I know him a lot because if I don't I will misinterpret his sweetness.

"Love ya too Hazza, well I need to go back to sleep now." I told him then he chuckled.

"No problem pretty, and ow I'm sorry again, goodnight and sweet dream, by the way Niall told me to tell you he loves you so much more than his life." He told me then it hits me again, I can't hurt Niall's feelings, and I love him.

"It's okay Harry, tell him I love him so much more than anything in this world. Goodnight too, bye Haz." I replied back then after that I hang up.

I really need to leave now and follow Niall in France in fact I already completed my mission to help Louis to get Val. I really can't ditch Niall, and I don't want, I don't want to hurt Zayn too, it's too much. I don't want to hurt someone. It it will be a big guilt for me.

After reserving my ticket to France I decided to write a message for Val.

I just need to make a letter for Val to inform her so that she won't panic to look for me.

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