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Zayn's POV

I woke up at 6 in the morning holding Jessica's hand on her bed while I sit next to her. She sleeps peacefully.

"Baby, I miss you so much and I know God will never forget us." I whispered to her ear.

And after that I stand up to go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth when I saw Niall playing on his phone on the couch.

"Hey, good morning Niall." I told him and smiled.

"Good morning to you too Zayn." He replied and continue doing what he is working on.

After 20 minutes on the bathroom I got out and saw Niall talking with my girl while they laughed with each other while sharing something.

"That would be really amazing." Jessica said and Niall nodded with a smile forming into his lips.

"Eherrm...... Ohh, maybe I just interrupted something?" I asked them and Jessica giggled.

"Hey you Zayn, come here give me a hug. My boyfriend and I were talking about ---" I interrupted Jessica before she tells something and excuse Niall and I for a moment.

Niall walks out with me and stay on the hospital corridor leaving a confuse Jessica.

"What do you think you are doing!?" I pushed Niall on the wall.

"What the fuck Zayn! I'm just trying to help!" Niall said and fix his now messed cloth.

"Well, I'm sorry but you're not helping Niall!! You're just trying to make the situation worst!" I said and leave him.

After 2 hours I get back in Jessica's room with Harry talking with her.

"Hey Zayn what happened?" Jessica suddenly asked me.

"No--" I was about to answer but he asked another question.

"Where's mg boyfriend Ni--"

"Fuck it!!!!! I'm so over with this Jess! I'm so fucking hopeless right now!! Damn it! I'm your boyfriend Jess, I am. Not Niall, never been him. If you're trying to hurt me because on that bullshit misinterpretation then you win!" And with that I slam the door walking off crying with my fist going to punch the wall. This is more pain relieving.


I understand Zayn. This is really painful for him. But he needs to understand Jessica too, but well I can't blame him.

Jessica were left in the room crying with me and Louis comforting her.

"I don't know what he is saying right now." She mumbled into Louis chest while Louis was brushing his hand to Jess' back.

"Please wake up Jessie." I told him.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You'll find out sooner or later.

Do you Still Remember Me?(Zayn or Niall 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now