What Are You Afraid Of?

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She had always loved car rides. When she was a little girl her parents would take her on car rides to put her to sleep and ever since rides in the car felt calming and she loved it. Car rides with Stiles were even better, Roscoe never was the smoothest rides in the world but being with Stiles was the part that mattered the most. It was their chance to have a few moments to spend together in the middle of the chaotic world they lived in. They could have deep or silly conversions that they wouldn't otherwise have or they would just sit in a comfortable silence while they rode around town. It was her all time favorite thing to do with her boyfriend and he would indulge her every chance he got; even if that meant sneaking her out in the middle of the night to drive around the empty streets of Beacon Hills.

They had been neighbors their entire lives so it was never a far trip to get to each other. When Y/N would hear Stiles starting up Roscoe she knew it was time to go over. As she climbed into the jeep she leaned over a kissed Stiles and then they were pulling out of the driveway and he was gripping her hand tightly as if he was afraid to let her go.

"I still can't believe you sneak out of the house so easily."

"Stiles, it's not sneaking out of the house if your parent's know you're leaving."

"You tell them?"

"No, but Roscoe is not the most quiet vehicle in Beacon Hills. I'm pretty sure the whole block knows when we are leaving." The two of them laughed for a moment before a comfortable silence fell between them; though it didn't last for long. As they drove past the school, Stiles spoke up.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing. I have no fears," She giggled and then looked at her boyfriend, realizing he was serious she took a deep breath and spoke again. "I'm joking. I'm actually afraid of a lot of things."

"Will you tell me what they are?"

"Only if you tell me what you're afraid of too. And you can't laugh, promise?"


"Okay. Well for starters, I'm afraid of Spiders. Also snakes. I'm afraid of big dogs, which is ironic considering who we're friends with. I'm afraid of not graduating. I'm afraid of not making something of myself. I'm afraid of disappointing the people I care about. I'm afraid of losing the people I love and I am absolutely terrified of death," The two sat in silence for a moment, letting the words hang between them as they were soaked in. "Now it's your turn, what are you afraid of?"

Stiles was silent for a few moments but soon he was pulling over to the side of the road and taking a deep breathe before turning to Y/N and starting to speak.

"I am afraid of losing my dad. I'm afraid of losing Scott or the rest of our friends. I'm afraid that one day we aren't going to be able to win. I'm afraid that when we leave for college that all hell will break lose and no one will be around to save everyone. It's our fault that Beacon Hills is attracting all these supernatural creatures and it's our responsibility to keep them at bay. We can't do that if we are away from here. Allison died trying to save everyone from that evil spirit and I wonder if that's meant to be the fate of us all, dying to protect everyone else. I'm afraid of death, it's come so close to all of us and I feel like it's just lurking around the corner waiting for us."

"Wow Stiles, I didn't realize you had so much on your mind. Well for starters your dad has been through a lot and he is still kicking. My guess is that it's going to take a hell of a lot to keep him down. As for Scott, I'm pretty sure that werewolves have a longer life expectancy than humans so that's not something you need to worry about. What I think about when the fear of one day losing comes about is that even if there ever comes a day when we can't win, know that at least when we lose, we'll be doing it together. We could stay here forever to protect Beacon Hills but would we ever be happy? Probably not. There will be people here to protect Beacon Hills while we are gone. Liam, Hayden, Mason, even Parish and your dad. There will be people here to keep an eye out while we're gone; and if they need us we are only a few phone calls away. Yes we did make Beacon Hills a Beacon for the supernatural but we did it to protect the people we love so there is no reason to feel bad about it. Yes it feels like our job to protect people and yes Allison died protecting people but that doesn't mean we need to throw away the rest of our lives to protect people. Maybe our fate is to die protecting the masses but maybe it's not. Maybe our fate is to protect them for as long as we can and then give the job to someone else and move on with our lives. As far as death goes, it's scary to think about and my advice is to just not think about it. If you don't think about it then it can't upset you."

"You are so amazing. But I have one more fear I didn't tell you about."

"Oh yeah, what is it?" Stiles reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, handing it to Y/N.

"I'm afraid of losing you. Open the box." Y/N opened the box to find a dainty diamond ring. She looked over at Stiles who was quick to speak.

"I didn't spend any money on it, it was my mom's. I was talking to Dad and he gave it to me. He said that if I was afraid to lose you I had to ask; that's what his dad had told him before he asked Mom." A smile stretched across Y/N's face as she turned to Stiles.

"Ask what Stiles?" She giggled, knowing what he meant but teasing him all the same.

"Are you really going to make me ask?"

"Yes I am, and just be glad that I'm not asking you to do the whole knee bit too."

"Fine, fine, fine. I am asking you, oh dear love of mine, it doesn't have to be any time soon, it could be ten years from now for all I care but I don't want to lose you. So what I'm asking is," Stiles plucked the ring from the box, holding it out towards his girlfriend. "will you marry me?"

"Nothing would make me happier, yes I'll marry you," Stiles then slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her in for a kiss. When they pulled away she spoke again. "Though you may have to wait those ten years."

"I would wait a thousand years for you," The couple kissed again, completely overjoyed with what had transpired. "Come on, let's get home. Tomorrow we have to tell everyone."

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