Movie Night

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When Stiles walked in he found her laying in bed, cuddled up in her blankets scrolling through her phone. Her hair looked as if it hadn't been brushed or washed in days and she was still wearing the same clothes he had seen her in 3 days ago. He knew she was having a particularly low point but it was to the point that her mother had called him over to see if he could help. He had seen her at a few low points but this was by far the worst he had seen her since they began dating six months ago. He stood in the doorway for a moment longer watching her scroll through the phone with a blank expression.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Y/N looked up from her phone and sat up in her bed, pulling her knees to her chest, embarrassed by her appearance. She ran her finger through her hair as he walked closer to her.

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?"Stiles sat on the end of the bed facing her.

"I haven't seen or heard from you in a few days and I wanted to check on you. You know you're wearing the same thing you were the last time I saw you right?" Y/N looked down, once again embarrassed by the fact that she hadn't really been out of bed since the last time she saw Stiles.

"Um, yeah. I guess I'm just not feeling so great." When she spoke her voice was small and it broke his heart. Stiles moved closer and pulled her into a hug.

"You know you can tell me if your bad again right?" Y/N held tightly to Stiles as they spoke.

"I know. I guess it's just hard to say." Stiles took a deep breath before pulling away from her and asking a question her already knew the answer to.

"Are you bad again?" Y/N looked at him with a sad expression, nodding her head slowly before pulling away from Stiles entirely and looking into her lap. "Okay then," Stiles stood up from the bed and held a hand out to her, pulling her up off the bed. "When was the last time you showered?" Y/N thought for a moment before answering

"Probably too long." Stiles squeezed her hand before leading her out of her room and into the bathroom. He started the shower, testing the water before he began to strip he clothes. He then looked at Y/N who stared at him, a confused expression painted onto her face.

"We are going to shower together, get all nice and clean. No sexy stuff I promise." Stiles smiled at her and a small smile spread across Y/N's lips as well as she began to remove her clothes and place them in the laundry hamper. Stiles stepped into the shower and Y/N followed in behind him. The two spend some time getting clean, enjoying the water and being together, but all too soon the water was being shut off and each of them wrapped themselves in a towel before leaving the bathroom and heading back into Y/N's room to get dressed. Stiles dressed in some of the comfortable clothes he kept at her house in a drawer and Y/N dressed into something that was equally as comfortable as what he had previously had on but was clean. Y/N sat back on her bed and looked at Stiles as he pulled his shirt down over his body. Stiles looked over to see her on the bed and pulled her back up.

"Nope, not so fast we have more to do today. When was the last time you ate?" Y/N thought for a long moment before answering.

"Probably too long." Stiles repeated his actions for earlier, squeezing her hand and leading her out of the room, this time into the kitchen to have something to eat. As Stiles searched through the cupboards Y/N leaned against the counter and yawned. He looked over at her for a moment before walking over and pulling her into his chest.

"Hey, why don't you go upstairs and set up some movies to watch. I know today has kind of been a long day for you already and you're probably really tired. We can have a movie night. I'll make some soup and bring it up." He kissed her forehead then walked back over to the cupboard pulling out a can of soup as she walked back up to her room. She arranged her bed with as many pillows and blankets as she could find before grabbing her laptop and pulling up Netflix to browse movies. Just as she set one up to start Stiles walked in with a bowl of soup and some crackers, handing her both he rushed back downstairs and came back with his own bowl along with a bowl of popcorn. The two spent hours cuddling and watching movies, Y/N dowsed in and out of sleep as the day went on. Stiles knew that this day was just a small battle in a never ending war for her but he was happy that he was able to help even just a little; because it's not about fixing the person you love, it's about doing what you can to help them when they need you.

*I am actually kind of proud of that last line.

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