Please Don't Say Things Like That

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It had been a particularly rough few weeks. Senior year is hard and it's even harder when you're fighting off monsters and sometimes it can really take it's toll. College acceptance letters were going to be making their way around soon and everyone was on edge for that, Scott and Stiles hadn't been on the best of terms and that put stress on everyone and everything was really starting to get to everyone. Theo had not been helping with the entire situation and even though he was gone there still was a bit of tension between everyone for not believing Stiles to begin with.

No one had heard even a whisper of the Dread Doctors since the giant werewolf incident and everyone had kind of been doing their own thing; not actively avoiding each other but not making an effort to be together either. It was strange, but Y/N always went out of her way to see Stiles. They were the best of friends since they were children; they had even applied to all the same colleges in hopes that they would get accepted to at least one together. Y/N had received a handful of them in the mail today and went straight to the Stilinski's to see how Stiles panned out.

The Sheriff opened the door and gave her a sad look before pointing her in Stiles direction.

"He's up in his room, not in a great mood." Y/N frowned and walked slowly up the stairs to her friends room. She knocked and when Stiles replied with a faint 'come in' she opened the door to find him face down on the bed with his head berried in pillows, a position she hadn't seen him in for many years. She walked over to the bed and sat down.

"What's up?" Stiles rolled onto his back and sat up next to her, tears brimmed his eyes as he began to speak.

"I am so worthless. I don't even know why I get out of bed in the morning because I never do anything worth anything. I'm stupid and annoying and always in the way. I can't even look at that stack of letters because I already know I didn't get in or worse I did get in and can't afford it. I just wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up."

"Stiles," Y/N looked at him sadly before pulling his head to her chest and holding him tightly. "Please, don't say things like that." Y/N felt warm tears leak onto her chest as Stiles cried into her.

"Why shouldn't I? It's all true." His voice shook when he spoke.

"Because it's not true. You are the smartest person I know. Where would we be if we didn't have you looking things up and doing research or using your instincts to warn us about people? I'll tell you where, dead. We would all be dead because none of us are as smart as you are. Lydia is smart but even she thinks you're smarter. And yeah you might get annoying sometimes but we all do when we spend too much time around each other, you make things more fun. You aren't in the way. You help us all the time and sometimes you don't even realize you've helped us. I don't know what any of us would do without you. Especially me, because I can't tell which way is up half the time and you are the only one that pays attention to that. When things get too much for me and I need to walk away, you are the only one that even looks up. You're my best friend and I would hate not having you around; in fact it would probably kill me to not have you around. And I don't eve want to think about what it will do to your dad." Stiles sniffled and sat up.

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry I bothered you with this."

"No you don't bother me ever. You especially don't bother me with stuff like this because I don't want anything bad happening to you when I could have helped you instead. I love you Stiles." Stiles gave Y/N a side smile before laying his head on her shoulder.

"I love you too." Y/N smiled widely as an idea came to mind.

"Hey do you know what will help you feel better?"

"Avoiding the problem entirely and pretending it doesn't exist?"

"Kind of, but also no. Let's leave our letters here for now and go back to my house to chill you out a bit. I say Star Wars, pizza, and my moms homemade cookies. I think I can smell the chocolate chips from over here."

"That sounds awesome. I'll race you to you!" Stiles jumped out of bed and bolted out the door, Y/N trailing close behind him.

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