I Love You

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She sat on her porch swing with a book in her hand. It was one of those rare days when there wasn't anything major or life threatening going on and Y/N could just enjoy herself. She swung back on forth on the swing getting lost in the words of her story when Stiles pulled into her driveway. She smiled and set the book in her lap. Stiles ran across her lawn and up onto her porch, plopping himself down on the swing next to her. He then slung his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him on the swing.

"Hey beautiful what's up?" Y/N smiled at him and held up her book.

"Not much just taking advantage of the quiet. You?"

"Nothing really. Just dealing with my Lydia stuff like usual." Y/N sighed. She knew this routine. It wasn't new and she was foolish to think he had stopped by for anything less than this.

"What this time?" Y/N looked down at her book and bookmarked the page that she would hopefully be back to soon.

"Well you know how she said she was over dating in high school?" Y/N nodded her head. "Well she is all over Parish down at the station. Like every single day..."Stiles continued on and Y/N started to zone out his voice as he mind clouded with thoughts, 'What is he going to want to hear today?' 'Is he finally going to make me say the one thing I dread more than this situation?' 'What happens if he does?'

"I just don't think anyone is ever going to love me you know." Stiles finished his rant and Y/N looked down into her lap.

"Come on Stiles, don't be like that."

"Don't be like what?"

"You know like what. You do this all the time. You come over here, complain about Lydia or Scott or literally anyone and then you say degrading things about yourself that push me to say the things you want to hear from me when I don't want to say them."

"I really don't know what you're talking about." Y/N could see the dumb look on his face, the face he made when he wanted to play innocent and she couldn't handle it anymore.

"Oh really, you don't? Well fine then, let me just tell you what you wanna hear so you can go home and feel good about yourself. I love you okay? Are you happy? I love you more than I love the feeling of rain against my skin and more than I love the taste of chocolate cake. I love you more than I love the first note of my favorite song and more than I love the smell of the lilac tree in my grandmother's front yard. I love you more than I love seeing the first tulip that's bloomed in my mother's garden and It isn't a sudden thing that has just happened; I have slowly been falling in love with you since I fell on your toy dump truck in the park. I've loved you longer than I've known what love is and I know that you love Lydia more than you will ever love me and I have come to terms with that; as long as you're happy then I'm happy too. What I'm not happy about is being forced into telling you this so that you can feel good about yourself. You aren't stupid Stiles and I know that you have known how I felt for a long time, don't pretend like you had no clue, and it was really rotten of you to make me say it out loud when you know you will never feel the same," It was silent between the two of them and Stiles watched the tears run down her cheek, making him feel awful for putting her through this. Y/N took a deep breath before speaking again. "This isn't going to ruin our friendship, I won't let it. But I need a few days to be not so angry with you. So I am going to go back inside and you are going to go home and I will get a hold of you when I'm ready." Stiles just sat there and watched her walk into her house. After a few moments of just watching where she had been only moments before, Stiles, not knowing what else to do with himself, stood up, turned around, got in the Jeep, and drove home.  

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