Ignore Him

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"He is my fate. He's my soulmate. He pervades my whole existence. So, of course, I often ignore him."-Gretchen Rubin

Stiles and Scott stood outside the school talking when he saw her. She and her friend strolled up the path from the parking lot to the school not paying attention to anything other than their own conversation. Though Stiles was still keen to get her attention.

"Hey Y/N, you look...like you're gonna ignore me. Again." He called out to her but she continued to walk right past him. This was something that occurred often and he had gotten used to it over the years, especially in recent years.

Y/N smirked as she and her friend, Lydia, made it into the school.

"Why do you ignore him?" Lydia questioned as they stood at their lockers.

"I love him." Y/N answered her friend matera factly causing Lydia to roll her eyes.

"That's not really an answer." Y/N huffed and closed her locker to look at her friend.

"Honestly? I think he's my soulmate. I think he is the person I am going to end up spending the rest of my life with. He pervades my entire existence, so of course I ignore him, It's really the only part of the relationship I can control. If I didn't Ignore him there would be no fun in our relationship, at least not for me. Think of it like foreplay, he likes the act of it, the relationship, I like the act but I get just as much satisfaction out of the lead up to it." Lydia shut her locker and leaned her shoulder against it, looking directly at her friend.

"What if he stops wanting you, what will you do then?"

"He won't stop wanting me, I give him enough attention that he knows that I want him and I care about him but not so much that he thinks he has to stop working for it."

"That's fucked up."

"Yeah, but it works for us. Like watch this." Y/N watched as Stiles walked past , eyeing her as he did so. "Hey Stilinski, do you want to give me a ride home after school?"

Stiles' eyes grew wide and a grin spread across his face. "I'd love to."

"Good. We can hang out after if you want to." She gave him a sweet smile.



"Cool." Stiles turned to walk away, the grin on his face growing wider.

"Wait you forgot something." Stiles turned around to give Y/N a confused look.

"What-" He was cut off by Y/N's lips pressing themselves gently to his own, her arm wrapping around his neck as he snaked him around her waist.

They pulled apart, leaving their foreheads touching as they whispered to one another. "I love you."

"I love you too."

With that they pulled away completely, Stiles following Scott and Y/N going back to Lydia. "See, it works for us. It's weird and kinda fucked up sometimes but it ours."

Lydia rolled her eyes. "I'll never understand your relationship."

"Well then it's a good thing you never have to." Y/N smiled brightly, putting her arm around her friend's shoulder as they walked to class.

The day passed quickly, Y/N spending most of it ignoring Stiles though when the end of the day come around he found her leaning up against his locker a sweet smile plastered across her face as he approtched her.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah just let me grab some stuff from my locker then we can head out." Stiles quickly grabbed the things from his locker then silently walked with Y/N towards his jeep.

They rode in silence, something seemed to be weighing heavily on Y/N's mind. They walked in dropping their bags beside the door before heading into the living room, Stiles started to scroll through Netflix when Y/N moved to straddle his lap.

Stiles moved to place his hands on her hips, looking up at her quizzically. "What's going on with you?"

"Do you love me?"

Stiles chuckled at her question."Of course I do, with all my heart."

"And my ignoring doesn't bother you?"

"Not in the slightest." Y/N cocked her head to the side, looking at Stiles questioningly. "Alright a little, but I know that's just how we are. We love each other, we just choose to show it a different way than most people. Besides if one day you just stopped ignoring me I would think you didn't care about me anymore."


"Yeah! Remember last month you spent a whole week paying attention to me? I thought you had found someone else."

Y/N grinned at the boy below her. "Who else am I go to find that let's me ignore them and then let's me kiss them in the middle of the hallway only to go back to ignoring them."

"I can't think of anyone, especially if you want someone as intelligent and good looking as myself." The two laughed together.

"You have it all Stilinski."

"And It's all your's."

Y/N giggled at him. "Lord help me."

The two laughed together a few moments longer before Y/N moved off Stiles' lap, snuggling into his side. He kissed the top her her head, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's pick a movie so we can get in a little bit of makeout time before my parents get home."

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