Neighbor Girl (Part 1)

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They were born days apart. They lived next door to each other their whole lives; and from the moment their parents introduced them they were inseparable and nothing was going to change that. Not even the strange being hiding inside the little girl. It had started when she was five, her parents would wake up to hear screaming. Racing into her room, she would tell them of a nightmare. They were always so similar and so vivid that she never could forget. She stood over bodies, dead bodies of people she had never met before. She would guide them away from this life and into another place but she never remembered past that. She was seven when she started to sleepwalk.

Y/N rose from the bed, her eyes were shut but her mind and body were awake. She stepped slowly onto the carpeted floor walking down the hall and down the stairs before stepping out the door into the night air. Y/N slowly padded against the wet grass of her lawn over to the front door of the Stilinski residence. Silently she made her way up the stairs and into the room of Sheriff Stilinski and his wife. She laid down on the floor next to Mrs. Stilinski's side of the bed and her body and mind both went back into a deep sleep, as if she was still in her bed at home.

The next morning she was woken up be the scream of a startled Mrs. Stilinski. Her first thoughts were as to why Mrs. Stilinski would be in her room, but she soon realized that she wasn't in her room and she was, in fact, on the floor of a bedroom she did not recognize with no recollection as to how she got there. Once Mrs. Stilinski calmed down she looked at the little girl who was now standing in front of her.

"Sweetie, what are you doing here?" Y/N scuffed her bare foot against the floor and shook her head.

"I don't know Mrs. Stilinski. I remember going to sleep in my bed last night and then waking up here. I'm sorry." The girl's eyes filled with tears, she hated getting in trouble but what she hated more was not knowing how she got in trouble.

"It's okay sweetheart, we should get you home. I bet your parents are worried about you." Y/N nodded and followed Mrs. Stilinski out of the house and to the door of her own home. When her father opened the door he looked confused at his neighbor holding the small hand of his daughter.

"I'm here to return something the belongs to you. She must have sleep walked right into our house." Mrs. Stilinski chuckled and Y/N smiled up at her before running to her dad and hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry about that, it's never happened before but we will be sure to keep an eye on her. Thank you." Her father shut the door and led Y/N to the kitchen table where both of her parents scolded her and gave her a lecture on 'privacy' but that didn't stop her. It continued for months. When the Stilinski's started locking their bedroom door, they would find Y/N sleeping in front of it. When they locked their front door, she used the back door. When they locked both doors she slept on their porch. When her parents started locking her door she would go out the window. It was as if nothing could keep her from getting out and making her way as close to Mrs. Stilinski as possible. Though she still never knew why she was sleepwalking to the Stilinski's and not to Stiles, but to his mother. It went on for almost a year, but once Mrs. Stilinski was admitted to the hospital the sleepwalking stopped. Y/N didn't wake up anywhere other than home again. But the strangest was yet to come for her.

One night, several months after the sleepwalking had stopped, Y/N and her family were on the couch watching a movie together. Her parents had been more than pleased that the sleepwalking had stopped and they had their normal child back again. But it was as if they spoke too soon. In the middle of the movie, Y/N stood up and turned to look at her parents. Her eyes were glazed over and she wore a blank expression.

"I need to go see Mrs. Stilinski."

"We'll take you to visit her and Stiles tomorrow sweetie, it's late and they don't allow visitors this late."

"We need to go now. Tomorrow will be too late."

"What do you mean?"

"We need to go now. Or it will be too late." The Y/L/N's looked between each other before standing up from the couch and walked out the door. If seeing Mrs. Stilinski right now would put their daughter's mind at ease then that was the least they could do. The family drove to the hospital and just as expected they were not allowed in to see Mrs. Stilinski.

"See baby, we can't go in. We should go home and we'll come back tomorrow."

"No. Tomorrow will be too late. We have to stay." Y/N argued with her parents for a few moments before they gave into her request.

"Fine, but no more than 20 minutes. After that, we go home." They made their way to the waiting room and situated themselves into three uncomfortable chairs. Her parents watched the clock intently, as did she. And after 17 minutes she stood from the chair and walked out of the waiting room. It was as if she was invisible to everyone. Her parents didn't see her leave, no doctor or nurse or patient saw her as she walked down the hall to Mrs. Stilinski's room.

She quietly pushed the door open and closed it quickly once she was inside. Stiles sat in the chair next to his mother's bed holding tightly to her hand. He looked up to see his best friend standing just inside the room.

"Hey." One side of his mouth turned up in her direction and she walked further into the room. She walked to the other side of his mother's bed, once again looking at the clock. Nineteen minutes had passed since they had first sat in the waiting room. Y/N smiled sadly at Stiles before grabbing his mother's other hand. It was as if time stood still, Y/N felt part of her body separate from herself. Mrs. Stilinski was standing beside her and Y/N was standing too, though she could see her body sitting down. Then a flash of light and everything was moving again. Noise filled the room, beeping filled both Stiles and Y/N's ears. People rushed into the room and pushed the two of them out. Stiles clung to his mother and then once they were in the hallway he clung to Y/N for dear life. Y/N's parents rushed down the hall in search of their daughter and when they found her and her best friend holding tightly to each other outside the room of their neighbor and friend tears filled their own eyes as they led them both away from the room.

Mrs. Stilinski was the first soul Y/N ever reaped.

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz