Christmas Rescue (Smut)

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Y/N packed up her car, filling every open space with a present. She was meant to be down at the town hall in twenty minutes to help the sheriff's department and the school with their annual Christmas fundraiser. Every year the sheriff's department and the Elementary school got together for an array of things. Things to help keep the children safe and happy. Families would come together, parents standing about talking and buying bits to eat from the bake sale table and catching up on small town gossip. The kids would play and learn about winter safety and how they should always hold their parents hand in the store. They would all take a turn on Santa's lap and get a gift to take home, something small that they never really payed attention too but the act of receiving it was always the part they enjoyed.

She was a first grade teacher in her first year. It was tradition for the first year teachers to dress up as elves and help 'Santa', the sheriff, pass out gift to the children. Y/N was the one of three first year teachers and the only woman. She was a devoted teacher and loved what she did but by the time she got around to purchasing an elf costume the only thing she could find was a skimpy green dress with red fluffy trim and a black belt around the waist. She wore a matching hat and thigh highs that the outfit had come with and wore her pointed black heels as she did most days and painted her lips in a bright red. She decided that it was christmas and this was a fundraiser so why not have a bit of fun with the look that she had been stuck with. Sure the parents would talk but what did that matter anyway, they always talked.

Y/N had been running late, slipping quickly into the driver's seat and backing out of her driveway. She had never been much on maintence for her car, being a school teacher left little time for much other than school. Her boyfriend, deputy Stilinski, was always the one to take notice if something was wrong with her car. Which was no surprise given the pain in the ass that God awful Jeep of his was. Stiles hadn't been around much in the recent weeks, taking extra shifts so his colleagues could take time off to see their families. She usually saw him as he was crawling into bed as she made her way out the door for work and he was long gone before she got home at night. It was stressful but they knew it would all work out in the end, he was certainly racking up killer vacation time.

She didn't pay as much attention to her car as she should have, she never did. But when she was half way between her house and the town hall and her car was smoking, she realized something was definitely wrong. She wasn't a car girl. Sure she could change her tire if there was a flat or check her oil but most things were beyond her. So when she popped the hood of her car she was all but lost. Nothing looked wrong to her but she wasn't exactly sure what it was supposed to look like in the first place. She was half tempted to call Stiles but he was on duty, there was a chance that he didn't even have his cell phone on him or that he was busy. And at this point she was late. Just as she was about to call her coworker to come get her and the gifts a squad car pulled up beside her.

"You need any help Ma'am?" Y/N smiled at the sound of her boyfriend's voice. She bit her lip as she turned around, batting her eyelashes at the man in uniform.

"Oh yes sir. You see deputy, I am on my way to the town hall for a Christmas fundraiser with my car packed with all sorts of goodies but out of nowhere my car started smoking and I don't know what to do. Please Deputy Stilinski, you're my only hope."

"I love it when you talk Star Wars to me. Let me pull over and I'll take a look." Stiles turned the squad car around, parking behind Y/N's vehicle and hoping out he moved to the front of her car and started shuffling around under the hood checking this thing and that before pulling away.

"Give it to me straight Deputy, is she gonna live?"

"Well, she's out of antifreeze, and oil, and a whole lot of shit. You are basically riding in a death trap. Let me give you a ride little elf." Stiles took her hand in his, leading her back to his vehicle.

"My boyfriend usually looks after my car but he hasn't been around much."

"I'm sure he's just been very busy."

"He has because he's a good man who loves his job and his colleagues. He's just been neglecting my baby a bit."

"I bet he's been neglecting his baby too."

"No, Roscoe is in as good a condition as I've ever seen him."

"I meant you."

"Oh, well in that case, yes. He has been neglecting his baby, just a bit."

Stiles wrapped his arms Y/N's waist, pulling her close as he rested his back against his car door. "Well maybe I can make up for that." Stiles kissed her deeply, he'd missed the way her lips felt when they were pressed against his own.

Y/N pulled away, turning her face from him, her cheeks warming as she did so. "You're on the clock Deputy, and I'm late." She tried to wiggle out of his grasp causing Stiles to only hold onto her tighter.

"I'll be quick," Stiles kissed her neck. "I promise." His lips trailed her neck and collarbone, ghosted over her shoulder as his hands rested on her hips, her hands pressing against his chest. She wanted to push away but she had no will power against Stiles, he always knew the places to kiss that made her knees go weak and the places to touch that made her eyes roll back.

"And where do you plan on fucking me then? Out here in the open?"

"Get in the back." Stiles lightly pushed her toward the back door, swinging it open and encouraging her to lie down in the back seat. She sat on the edge, pushing herself all the way in before lying down across the seat.

It was spacious back there, more of an SUV than her dinky little two door. There was plenty of room for her to fidget as she pulled her dress up over her hips. Stiles climbed in with her, shutting the door behind him before laying down to kiss her again.

His lips were soft but his hands were rough and calloused as the messaged her thighs, working higher towards her hips and the waistband of her panties, easing them down her legs so gently and softly she didn't realize he had been moving them until they were already round her ankles.

Her hands quickly moved to his belt buckle, unfastening it as quickly as she could. It had been weeks of not seeing one another and the shower head was starting to bore her, she hadn't needed more than a few kisses to get ready for him. It wasn't a moment before his pants were around his knees and Y/N was pushing him off her, pulling her legs to her chest and pushing Stiles into the seat. He was confused but only for a moment when she picked her feet out of her panties and straddled him.

The two moaned softly as she eased herself onto him, his hands on her hips as she moved on his cock, but they didn't have time to relish in the feeling of him inside her. She was late and he was working this had to be quick.

Her movements began picking up speed as her hand dropped from his hair and down to her clit, rubbing it in small circles quickly, willing herself to come undone. Stiles looked up at her, a sight of true artwork. Her forehead was pressed against his own, her eyes were shut and her lips parted as her breathing tried to keep up with her movements. He loved this, the sight alone was worthy of an orgasm and when he felt her muscles contract around him as her own started he couldn't stop himself from coming then.

Y/N moved to sit beside him for a moment, her head resting against the seat as Stiles pulled up his pant, making himself suitable for duty again and slipping her panties into his back pocket.

"I'll be home early tonight wait up for me." Stiles got out of the backseat, as he turned to help Y/N out she caught a glimpse of red in his back pocket and recognized them as her own panties.

"Hey, how about giving me back my panties. Unless you want your dad and all your coworkers to see my vagina in which case, keep them." Stiles' face went sour at the thought. So he pulled Y/N's underwear from his back pocket and handed them back to her.

"Let me give you a ride, I'll get all those gift in my trunk and when we get there I'll explain to Dad what happened and why you're so late." Y/N looked at him with wide eyes and a frown as Stiles opened the passenger side door for her. "Okay so I'll make something up on the way. Just get in." Y/N smiled softly before kissing his lips and hopping into the car. It really had been the a Christmas rescue.

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