Christmas with The Sheriff

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There were only a few days left until Christmas and while Stiles had been bummed out about not getting time off to go home for the Holidays it meant that he would get to spend them with his girlfriend. So that's what he planned on doing. It was only a few days before Christmas and Stiles had just gotten off work for the night and was headed home. The snow didn't bother him as much anymore and he hoped Y/N would be there when he got home, maybe she would have cooked or ordered in, maybe she was cuddled up on the couch with a book or watching a movie. He liked coming home to her and he seemed to be doing it a lot more often since he asked her to stay the night. She worked shorter hours than he did and there had only been a few times when she hadn't been at his house waiting for him to get home. She was there so often Stiles was considering asking her to move in with him. He thought about this all the way home and before he knew it he was pulling into his driveway, her car in the same spot it was every day. Stiles rushed into the house, a wide grin on his face, excited to see his girlfriend.

"Hey babe, I'm home!" Stiles exclaimed, removing his outerwear and walking into the house in search of his girlfriend.

"I'm in the kitchen, I decided on chicken noodle soup for dinner is that okay?"

"Sounds perfect." He wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I figured it would. Oh and I invited a guest to dinner I hope that's okay."

"Of course, who is it?"

"Oh just some guy I saw outside when I got here. He was waiting on your doorstep so I let him in."

Stiles eyes grew wide. "And where is he now?"

"Upstairs, he said he needed a shower so I showed him to the guest room bath and then came down to finish cooking. He should be down any time."

"Um well then I'm going to go upstairs and check on him, then when I come back down we are going to have a serious talk about stranger danger."

"No need to come up son, I'm already here."


"In the flesh."

"What are you doing here?" Stiles asked, walking up to hug his father tightly.

"Well after you called to say you wouldn't be home for the holidays I moved some stuff around and got some time off and came out to see you. You didn't tell me your girlfriend was so lovely."

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise. I expected you to be home before I got here but my flight was really early. I was outside for half an hour before Y/N got here."

"How did you get all the way out here? The closest airport is like an hour and a half away." Stiles questioned his father.

"This car came and picked me up, I found them on this app-"

"Uber?" Stiles offered.

"Yeah Uber! Anyway I found someone who was willing to drive me out here though it did cost almost as much as renting a car but I didn't think I could drive in this weather. It's crazy out there."

"I know right? It's like living in Antarctica."

"You're both weak." Y/N stated matter of factly, stirring her soup.

"You've met my 'lovely' girlfriend Y/N?"

"I have. She's very sweet. Keep her."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

"The problem will be, if I want to keep him."

The sheriff smiled at his son. "I really like this one."

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