Tell Us Again

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She had to go away. A family emergency had caused her to leave before their daughters were even awake. She walked into their rooms, kissed both of their sleeping heads, kissed Stiles on the lips and headed for the door.

"I'll be home as soon as I can, and I'll call when I get there. I love you." They kissed again, Stiles whispering the phrase back to her as she walks out the door. He spends an hour lying in bed before deciding to start the day a little early, taking a shower and walking downstairs to make breakfast for his girls. It's not long before his three and five year old daughters come padding down the stairs with sleep still in their eyes. The youngest, Madison, drags her blanket behind her and the eldest, Mary, holds her teddy bear close to her chest. They go about their morning as they always do, climbing into their seats at the table hardly noticing it's their dad busying himself in the kitchen and not their mother. Soon though they realize it's their dad and are laughing at his spastic movements as he makes their breakfast. The day goes by smoothly, with only a few hiccups involving nap and bath times. That is until bedtime rolls around. Of course Stiles had put his daughters to bed before but never without Y/N's help. Come to think of it the only time they had been apart in the last five years of being parents was when Y/N gave birth to Madison. Though he figured it wouldn't be too hard. He got them both tucked in under their covers and walked towards the door to shut off the light.

"Daddy, wait!" Mary seemed distraught at the thought of her father leaving the room so quickly.

"What is it baby? Is something wrong?" Stiles flipped the light on and looked around the room for any signs of danger.

"You didn't tell us the story." Stiles relaxed and walked over to the small bookshelf to reach for a bedtime story to read to his girls.

"No Daddy," Madison piped up. "THE story. The one Mommy tells us every night." Stiles looked at his girl confused for a moment but then decided to play along, how much of a made up story could they remember, they probably wouldn't be awake long enough for it to matter anyway. Stiles walked over in between their beds and sat in the rocker his wife sat in every night.

"Oh yes, that story," Stiles took a deep breath and started. "Once upon a ti-"

"No Daddy, the one about how you and Mommy met and fell in love. She tells it to us every night." Mary beamed with a smile from ear to ear about the thoughts of her parents meeting. Stiles smiled but was still confused.

"But you hear that every night, don't you want to hear a different story?" He looked between the two girls in hopes that they would change their mind. Not Because he didn't want to tell them the story but because he had never told the story of him and his wife before and they had already heard it, what if he was a disappointment. What if his version of the story didn't live up to the reality of the memories.

"Tell us again. Please?" Then they did the sneakiest thing they had ever learned from their mother, the puppy dog eyes. How could he say no to those eyes. He couldn't, so he caved.

"Fine, but just know that it won't be the same as Mommy's." The little girls cheered and snuggled deep into their blankets to listen to their father tell them the story how how he met their mother. Having never heard their father's side, both of them were quite intrigued at the prospect of what he would say. Their mother's story was so romantic and silly and funny that they had high expectations for their father's version.

"The first time I ever saw your mother was in April of our senior year in high school."

Stiles walked across a college campus with a group of potential fellow freshman. He as touring one of the schools he had been accepted to but was still unsure about attending. This was the second time he had been on the campus and it had defiantly been one of his top picks. He was between two and he hoped another tour of the campuses would help him decide. He had weighed the pros and cons of each and they were pretty much tied, it had looked like it was going to come down to him closing his eyes and pulling the name out of a hat; until he saw her. She was on the other side of the quad, walking down the sidewalk and towards the mail room with a tour group. She had a notebook in her hand, writing as she followed blindly. She was enchanting, Stiles didn't know what it was about her but he was certainly interested.

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