Sabotage (Part 1)

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The Promise

They were 16-years-old when they made their promise.

Y/N and Stiles sat on the rocky shore of the creek downing the Sheriff's Jack Daniel's until there was nothing left but a faint taste on their lips. Stiles had been rejected yet again and Y/N was wallowing in her own pity of being forever alone. Of course, she logically knew that she was 16 and forever was a long time to find someone, but she also knew that forever was a long time to be alone.

One cool Friday night in late September Stiles picked Y/N up and the two drove down to their spot by the creek with the intention of camping and getting wasted.

It was way past dark when they pulled up to the spot, Stiles using the Jeep's headlights as light for setting up their tent before taking out the alcohol and settling himself up against a rock. He took a long swing then passed it to Y/N who did the same before sitting beside him. It had been a long week. Another week of feeling as if they weren't enough. Inferior to their other best friend who seemed to be having the dream life since he was bitten.

Stiles sighed, leaning his head back. "If I tell you something will you promise not to tell Scott?"

"Yeah, totally." Y/N nodded, closing her eyes

"I'm jealous of him."


"Well he's got the girl, he's got the talent, even respect on the team for being a co-captain. He's got everything he has ever wanted, everything we've ever wanted, and I just get to be his best friend. No one likes being Robin." Stiles slurred slightly, the alcohol seeping into his veins.

"That's kinda dumb, but I feel it. I'm kinda jealous of Allison. Scott loves her so much and she has a million other guys that would take her out at any given chance and I can't even get a guy to look at me. I'm going to be alone forever." Y/N leaned her head back against the rock and yawned.

"Yeah, my ten year plan to get Lydia is all shit since Jackson's in the picture."

Y/N shook her head. "Don't blame Jackson for her not liking you. You can't help if you like someone or not."

Stiles pushed her lightly. "Don't get all feminist on me miss 'I'm going to be alone forever.'"

"Oh shut up ya fuck boy." Y/N rubbed her hand across her face, becoming more tired by the minute.

"Hey I got an idea." Stiles exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"How about if we are both still not married by your 35th birthday, we just marry each other?"

Y/N shook her head. "Stiles, you're drunk."

"Yes but that doesn't make my idea any less perfect!" He became more excited as he spoke.

"Why would I want to marry you?" She asked.

"Because you don't want to be alone forever." He replied.

"You have a point." Y/N admitted.

"So what do you say? Can't hurt, might help."

Y/N sighed. "Fine."

"Pinky on it!"

Y/N peeked out of one eye to look at Stiles. "What are we five?" He began to pout holding his pinky out. "Fine." Y/N stuck her pinky out, linking it with Stiles'.

"Y/N, do you promise to marry me if neither of us are married at 35?"

"I do. Stiles, do you promise to marry me if neither of us are married at 35?"

"I do." The two then nodded and pulled apart their pinkies and leaned back against the rock, both falling asleep outside of their tents. Y/N dreaming of a future with a handsome stranger, Stiles dreaming of a future with her.

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