He's Not Agitated He's A Jerk

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It had been the same for the entire time they had known one another, Stiles and Y/N would argue back and forth, pushing the others buttons until someone else would get involved. It was like a game to them, everyone around them thought it was ridiculous and annoying but it's what they did to make life more bearable. Sometimes the banter was short, they would get one or two phrases in before someone was pushing them in opposite directions. Other times it would go on for what felt like hours. Those times were the worst, the longer they went at it the more opportunity to actually hurt the other person. Sure sometimes they would get upset but it was never this bad.

It had been any normal day, Y/N would greet Stiles with a smile and a prodding comment, this time it was about Roscoe. And on any normal day Stiles would come back with something equally insulting, said in jest. But this wasn't a normal day; his comment was not said in jest, it had an underlying done of hate and she could feel it radiating off of him. It was as much how he said it as it was what he said. He had called her a name she wasn't used to hearing but she knew exactly what it meant. She had been called a lot of things before, many times by Stiles but never had he called her something so degrading. She turned herself around and stomped right back out the door and to her car where she drove herself home and away from the pack.

She had stayed home, curled up in bed for the rest of the day so it wasn't much shock when someone came to check on her. She also was not surprised to see the Alpha standing on the other side of her door. She moved to the side and invited him in.

"What do you want Scott?"

"To make sure you're okay."


"And...ask you to forgive Stiles."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because he's your friend."

"Well he was until this morning."

"Come on forgive him Y/N, he's just agitated today is all. Things are rough for him right now, he didn't mean it. Just forget about it so things can go back to normal."

"He's not agitated, he's a jerk. He went too far this time, at some point it stops being a game. To me this is a game, it keeps my heart light when the world is crashing down around us. I would never say anything about his mother or any of his other insecurities, and I most certainly would never call him something so horrible with so much hate in my voice. He said what he did because he knew that it would hurt me and he was right, it did hurt me, it does hurt me, and I refuse to just forget and pretend like I don't have feelings. I am allowed to be mad and upset and hurt and I am not going to let you take those feeling away from me just so we can 'get back to normal'." Scott hung his head low.

"I didn't mean it that way."

"Yes you did, you just didn't intend for me to pick up on it. Now if you would please leave. Tell Stiles that I will forgive him when he comes and apologizes to me like I'm a human being and doesn't send his golden retriever to do the dirty work for him." Scott walked to the door and right out it and Y/N marched back up to her room. She texted Scott an apology to the 'golden retriever' comment and when she put her phone down there was another knock at the door. This time it was Stiles and Y/N didn't invite him in. She stood in the doorway, staring at him and waiting for him to talk.

"What is it?"

"I came to apologize."

"So? Apologize."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For calling you a...mean word...and making you think I hated you. I don't hate you and I didn't intend to call you that I was just having a bad day but I shouldn't have taken it out on you and I'm sorry. Also Scott told me about the golden retriever thing, nice touch."

"Thank you." The two of them Stood there for a moment before Y/N moved out of the door way. "Are you busy right now? We could what some movies, make up for today."

"I'm free all night."

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz