Found Her

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She woke up early the sunlight barely creeping into her window. She grabbed her phone and checked the weather, it was warm for this time of year but still too chilly to go for a run. So instead she went about her normal routine. The same thing she did every single day. She went to the gym, had breakfast, wrote in her journal and by noon she was snuggled into the couch with her two dogs, Gucci and Armani, for a day of whatever movies or shows she could find on TV. It had been like this since she graduated high school, no matter where she went this was how she would spend her days. Alone with her dogs living off the trust fund her grandmother had left her.

At first she had tried to mold into a life in the new city or town she moved to, but after six different places in less than a year, she decided there was no way she would be able to do so when she always had to keep changing her name and her appearance, even her history had to be erased every time she moved. So she was doomed to spend her life alone with no contact of any past life she'd had.

She had been in Buffalo for six months, which is the longest she had been anywhere since it started. And while she told herself not to get comfortable she was seeing signs of it happening anyway. Talking to her neighbors, making friends at her gym, flirting with guys at the dog park. She felt herself settling into a life here and while she was still weary of it, she was hopeful. It was starting to feel like a home again. She had even considered signing up for some classes at the local community college, getting a job somewhere, even if it's only a few hours a week. She was unknowingly starting a life in Buffalo, a real life, and she couldn't help herself. This was a nice place. She liked it here, her apartment was nice, and while she had lived in nicer places over the years she had also lived in far worse. Mostly everyone seemed to be friendly, and all around she just felt happy. She felt safe. She felt at home.

Y/N was just settling into another rerun of teen wolf, an episode she had seen more than a few times, when her phone rang, 'MARCUS', one of the security guard in her building, appearing on the screen in bright, bold letters.

"Hello?" Y/N answered a sweet tone in her voice. She always liked Marcus, he was her favorite of the security guards.

"Hello Miss Taylor, there's a package coming upstairs for you." Marcus informed her. While it was uncommon for packages to be brought to the apartment doors it had happened before, not to her but her neighbors had received a number of packages to their doors, mostly from lovers, flowers and chocolates and the likes.

"Thanks Marcus, have a nice day."

"You too ma'ma." He said, hanging up the phone.

Just as she set the phone down beside her, Y/N heard a knock at the door and rushed over to answer it, her two pomeranians yapping at her feet as she made her way to the door. She smiled as she opened the door, though her smile dropped along with her heart when she saw what was on the other side. Dozens of roses, maybe hundreds of them filled the hall in front of her door. She didn't need to read the note to know who they were from. She knew there were from him, she knew he had found her again.

She was finding it hard to breath as she picked up the note, the same as all the others.

Love Stiles.

She ripped up the note as she had so many others before rushing back into her apartment and slamming the door behind her. She locked the door three times before she was convinced it was safe to move away from it. She ran about the house shutting windows and curtains. Making her way into her room, curling up in the corner, unsure of what to do next.

Her hands ran embedded themselves into her hair. It had been every color and style under the sun, or at least that's how it felt to her. She felt as if she had been every person imaginable. Who else was there to become at this point? Each person she became took her further away from who she really was. She can't even remember who she was before this all began. But she had gotten used to being Madeline Taylor, the 24 year old author who had yet to publish her first novel but she hoped the change of scenery would help. She had been her for so long it felt as if she had always been her. But she was no longer her. It was no longer safe to be her.

She had felt so safe here. It was a city, there were people everywhere surely he couldn't find her here. She had moved to the other side of the country, surely he wouldn't track her all the way here. She lived in a secured building, surely he could never get in. But he didn't get it. He had sent a delivery man in his place, shielded by a uniform and a cart full of flowers. Stiles couldn't have gotten into the building, Marcus would not have allowed it. In a moment of weakness a few weeks after moving into the building Y/N had shared with Marcus what had happened, even given him a picture of Stiles in hopes that it would protect her, or at least make her feel protected. And it had, she had settled into a life, a normal life, a real like. And yet here she was, curled up in another corner of another apartment in another city unsure of her next move. All she knew right now, was that she had to change. Again.

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