78 | Made In..

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First Drafts
- Made In.. -

No matter where we're from,
what continent we come from.
We all have the same mind.

The same mind that goes around,
picking their noses, shaping it into a ball and imagining they're an NBA player,
trying to shoot the booger away.

The same mind that thinks,
about their plans for tomorrow,
and for the future while taking a huge dump.

The same mind that lies,
to get away from sticky situations
like a horrible date or a family dinner.

The same mind that aspires,
to become someone great in their society,
and be known globally.

The same mind,
That thinks about food 24/7,
because we're just always too hungry.

So no matter where you're from,
or where you're made in,
racism is an act of violence.

Because we are one.
We are all the same.

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