Fred rhymes with dead and that's not a coincidence

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would you guess, another tag. i decided that tag books are effort so enjoy this instead.

i got tagged twice (by the wonderfully amazing almightytrebleclef and my favourite daddy viiv-xvii )

R U L E S:
1. Post the rules
2. Tag 13 people
3. Answer the 13 questions

4. Come up with 13 new questions
5. You must respond
6. Tag backs are allowed
7. If you don't do the tags, that sucks
8. Be creative with the title

i'll do V's questions first since she tagged me first;

1] What Harry Potter Era would you most like to live in?

i want to say Golden because of the people that were around during that time but all the Voldy shit is too much for me so probs Next Gen. i could like date one of the Scammander twins or maybe Victoire so that wormy can have her man.

2] The sea or the sky?

the sky. i'm pretty sure i cant swim since the last time i went swimming was like five years ago.

3] What fictional character would you totally name a pet after?

*chuckles* i literally rant about this at least once a week.

i WAS going to get a ginger hamster, but the breeder didn't reply. so in a turn of events, as soon as i can i'll get a ginger kitten and call it Percy.

4] Are you allergic to anything?

kind of honey but like only when it makes direct contact with my skin idk.

5] What is your favourite planet? 


6] What would you sell your soul for? Assuming you would sell your soul.

tbfh if Hogwarts was real and i was allowed to go i'd sell anything. but if you ask me in like 7 months when i'll be writing my GCSEs then i'll probably say that i'd sell my soul for like a tissue.

7] What would you dress up for Halloween?

this year i really want to try and do like some deer makeup so i can make prongs joke but i might be in Italy so i'll probs just have some sort of face paint and a masquerade mask on.

8] Sweet or Salty?


9] What is the best pizza topic?

just cheese and tomato sauce, i'm basic judge me.

10] Do you believe in any superstitions? Explain.

no i don't think so. i used to think that like horoscopes were super relatable but now im just eh. tho sometimes i will read some Cancer personality/traits things and be like "woah same"

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