baby names tag?challenge

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This is a thing on YouTube so I'm making it a thing on Wattpad also.

I'll technically combine two tags so this will be 10 names from movies/books/shows you'd name a kid after and then 10 names you just like in general or know someone who's called that. (any 'sex' name tbh i don't care if they're all boys or all girls). Oh and also just for a fun fact, put in what you were named after and your nickname/s before you start writing your picks.

Get it? Okay, good. So let me do this then.

I'm pretty sure that like someone has commented my name somewhere before (no, I'm not actually called prongs) but I still refuse to write it because I'm stubborn. So my parents didn't know my sex until after I was born bc, again, I'm stubborn and turned so that all they could see was my back and no 'private parts' but they were like 99% sure that I'll be a boy. Just in case, my dad picked the name Julia for a girl and then apparently my mum was like "lol no" and chose my actual name because it was the name of this really bitchy girl on a TV show and my mum liked it? Idk either.

As for nicknames; the obvious ones are prongs, prongsy and 'prongsie'. and then [MY NAME]bell in school bc apparently once my French teacher was high and instead of my name he called me 'Tinkerbell' so that's fun. No abbreviations of my name tho, like people who just take away the last letter of my name or replace it with 's' are the reason I want to kms.

Moving on,

[ONE - characters]

1. Salem, from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Salem was, and forever will be, my actual spirit animal. I think that the name is overall very pretty but Salem being a Relatable King™ is what makes me adore the name tbh.

If you've never watched the show and don't know what I'm talking about, then let me bless you with a couple of quotes:

"Someone's gonna end up crying. Probably me"

"My ironic and detached nature could be misconstrued as jerkiness."

"And let's give a big, warm welcome to sadness."

"Curse my sarcastic nature."


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2. Percy, from the Harry Potter series.
I don't think that I need to explain myself anymore. I will name a thing/pet/person after Percy one day, if I don't manage to then I'll leave it in my will for someone to do so.

 I will name a thing/pet/person after Percy one day, if I don't manage to then I'll leave it in my will for someone to do so

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