why i wont be writing Lacuna anymore

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So for those who don't know, I wrote a Percy Weasley book called Lacuna. I published a bunch of chapters, like six i think, and I mean it's okay. It's just your typical fic with the bitchy slytherin that isn't actually bitchy OC.

So yeah, if you wanna go read it you better do it fast since it's being unpublished soon

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So yeah, if you wanna go read it you better do it fast since it's being unpublished soon. Well that's kind of a lie; I'll unpublish it, re-write it AND THEN publish it again. But most of the plot will be entirely different, along with certain side characters.

Fun Fact: I've seen this thing happen a lot in fanfiction so I thought I'd write my own POV on the situation, since Lacuna being unpublished is the perfect opportunity for it.

Lacuna's OC is called Artemis Sinclair, and she's a babe. I love her, she's my first child B U T I didn't write her story like I planned it out. I'm pretty sure every wattpad writer has this, but I have this messy little book where I play all of my OCs and plot lines and shit.

Artemis' story is actually really fun to explore. It contains Hufflepuff death eaters which is a woah, and she's not actually meant to be bitchy but have these control issues. I want to describe it as like she's kind of a perfectionist but it goes to the real extremes where she isn't afraid to stab a bitch if things don't go to plan and stuff. And this happens to her due to the psychological manipulation she faced as a child. Overall, just a little different than the story that's going on now.

And then it was like someone flipped a light switch in my head. And I didn't know it at the time, but I did what a lot of authors do on wattpad. I got overly involved in the story. But come on, it was a slytherin who's in love with Percy Weasley and has some sort of fucked up childhood; aka my life story. I wrote in a bunch of shit I didn't want to write in and the story just became bleh after a while.

Artemis became to like me and not enough like Artemis

Have an example; in the story Artemis is really good friends with Charlie and the rest of the Weasleys. In reality, when Charlie caught her after hours in the Astronomy tower I planned on it being Bill so that they can have this cutesy brother-sister relationship. I don't know where Charlie came from but probably from my platonic love for the boy. And she was never meant to go to the Weasley house for Christmas, she was never meant to get involved with them in the first place.

It was just meant to be like; she gets into slytherin, people claim she's bad, she meets bill who's in his last year and is just a happy bean, when bill leaves she continues being happy and doesn't become friends with any other Weasley until she get's made prefect and is introduced to Percy.

So yeah, I let my fantasies run wild and got wayyy to involved, sorry not sorry. I'll re write it some time soon. Aka in 92340 years. Hope you enjoyed this rant thing. Also I just realised that I'm not writing in lower case letters fml. Oh well. Um. Bye.

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