Meeting the friends

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We dropped Ana off at school and we go to school I grab my backpack out Daniels car he's still blabbing about my bruise "All I'm saying Aurora is...." I cut him off "Okay Daniel I get it!" I say walking away I get to my locker I open it looking in the mirror I look away and put my back pack in it and I grab my binder and slam my locker I see Lina she's smiling "Oooo someone's happy tonight what's up spill!" I yell Then I see a flash behind me I look back to see Lenny smirking I look at Lina and she looks back at me and we smirk we both chase Lenny into the boys bathroom I dash in first seeing his feet and then Lina dashes in we nod at eachother she kicks the stall door and it flies open We both walk in and pin Lenny to the wall he screams I put my hand over his mouth he licks it I scream "Ew!" I slap Lenny Lina grabs his phone. and we run out the boys bathroom we walk out laughing we go through his pictures seeing nothing but pictures of Lina she seems shocked but we all knew Lenny had a crush on except Lina so yeah. I go to science I sit next to Daniel his eyes light up I smile moving my hair out of my face he goes to say something but then doesnt.

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