Aurora P.O.V

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I wake up with Daniel all over me I look over seeing his beautiful smile and his hazel eyes lighting up he kisses my cheek and lips I smile "Good Morning Beautiful." he smiles and kisses my forehead I smile I rub my brown hair and sit up "What's the occasion?" I smile and rub my left eye "Today's Ana's birthday and she's not up yet so I was going to go set up something while you cooked breakfast." he smirks i totally forgot because everything going on Lina's Baby boy Lenny I haven't talked to Lenny nor Lina every since they moved out on there own. I get up my hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing Daniels big plaid button up with some Victoria secret red laced panties I go to the bathroom and I strip naked I let my hair down fluffing it out I turn the shower on I walk in foot first the water hits my skin which feels so good I wash my hair and my body I turn the shower off and step out I grab the green towel and wrap it around my body I put my hair in a ponytail and walk to our room I grab a Mickey Mouse half shirt with so cut off shorts I look at my pretty feet and smile I walk back to the bathroom I comb my hair and brush it I just let my natural wavy hair Down I brush my teeth and wash my face I go downstairs to make Breakfast for Ana I look in the kitchen and pull out some bisquick I grab eggs and some sausage and bacon I cook for Ana and then I go In her bedroom with all these little princess things on the wall like Cinderella and Snow White I wake her up "Ana.."her eyes flutter open "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL!" I yell she screams in excitement and basically jumping up and down I pick her up and walk downstairs moving her brown hair out of her face and sit her down at the table she giggles I give her a plate of breakfast and smile from ear to ear as she eats "Is there anyone you want to invite?" I sit at the table acting interested. "Well ummmm..... Alexa Alondra Nina Michael Kimmy and Fernando!" she screams while eating. "okay well let's get ready." I smile picking up my baby girl and walk to her room looking in her closet looking for something I grab her big puffy blue princess dress and the matching tiara with some white sandals I lay it out on her bed then I take her to the bathroom I turn on my curling iron and set her on the counter "Mommy make me pretty!" she giggles I smile and comb and brush her hair ten I curl it in spirals and then I curl her bangs to the side then she looks up and she takes my breath away because she looks so much like Mom and it was a hit to the heart for me After showing Ana how she looked I grab my phone out of my back pocket and unlock it and call my mom "Hello?" she answered sounding very curious "hey mom I'm sorry about yesterday." I sigh "Would you like to come to Ana's birthday party?" I make a face starring at Ana "YES!" she screamed in the phone I moved the phone away from my ear "alright bye." I hung up I still didn't tell Daniel about my phone call with my dad "Aurora!" I hear Daniel I took Ana off the counter too and walked down stairs seeing Daniel and Speedy and Jessica walking in with tons of stuff and gifts Ana screamed and ran to Jessica hugging her I smiled "Hey Aurora." speedy hugged me "hey speedy." I hug him I go and hug Jessica "Hey girl!"I say smiling and she hugs me back then we all sit down all Ana grabs me and takes me upstairs to get ready I go to her room and grab her dress and get her ready then her friends shows up while everyone is preparing Jessica does Ana's Make up then we just hang out drinking beers she was wearing some cut off shorts and a half black vans top with some black sandals her wavy hair down and looking cute "So how have you been?" she sits back drinking her beer "Okay."I shrug my shoulders "Why just okay?" she looks me in my eyes "Just a lot going on." I say sighing speedy brings out the birthday cake and all the lights shut off all the kids gather around my little princess "Happy birthday to you hanna!" my mom says showing up out of no where I look behind me seeing her smiling Ana looked at

Mom for a long time then blew out her candles then she dug her tiny face in the cake eating it we all crack up in laughter 'After all today was a good day'

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