Aurora P.O.V

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I start cooking eggs after I crack

Them the front door opens "Babe did you forget something?" I ask "Yeah you!"its my

Dad I turn around he grabs me by my hair Ana screams and cries I look around screaming and crying I grab a knife and jab it in his shoulder he holds his shoulder and screams I grab my phone and Ana and run upstairs I slam

The door and lock it I call Daniel "Hello?" he answers I start crying "Daniel me and Ana are locked in your room my dad's here please come home quick!" I scream

"okay babe I'm on my way!" he yells I hang up and hold Hanma in my arms as he bangs on the door I just keep praying after about 10 minutes I hear Daniel and someone else's voice I open

The door seeing Daniel and I'm guessing his cousin speedy whooping my dad's ass I can't stop my tears from my eyes Daniel finally pushes my Dad out the door and locks it He runs to me and hugs me and kisses me Ana runs to speedy and hugs him speedy picks her up I wipe my tears I go in the kitchen and

find a box cutter i hide it in my thong strap I walk upstairs with damp eyes I go in the bathroom and turn the bath water on too make sure it's ice cold I strip naked and get in the cold water it stings so bad but I feel so numb I start making cuts and I sit back and lay under water until I loose consciousness I black out I hear Daniel yelling but then I go def •Next day• I wake up looking around I look down to see me in a hospital gown and some ugly ass socks I see Daniel Ana and speedy and Lina and Lenny "Hey guys."i say they all run over too me "What the fuck AURORA!" Lina yells I go to rub my head just to see I'm handcuffed "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GET IT OFF!" I yell then that's when the doctor runs in "Ms. Landers I'm sorry attemptive Suicide is not a joke so um were sending you to an asylum for only a week." He explains Daniel kisses my forehead and I start crying pulling him closer with my other arm smelling him once more then I held Ana and kisses her face tears running constantly Lina and Lenny . hugs me and then I'm hauled away in a gurney I cry when I'm shoved into a truck and it goes away the car ride was about 4 hours I was sleep the whole ride they wake me up I was so sad because I thought all this shit was a bad dream when they uncuff me and get me off the gurney they have me tight by my arms and walking me inside they check me in and everything "Ilbarra!" the guy yells a beautiful girl comes up "What carl?" she's wearing the same outfits as the Crazy people have "Ms landers is your new roommate." he smiles fakely "Oh whoopie!" she sarcastically says but wait I think about it ILBARRA ISNT THAT DANIELS LAST NAME???

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